Monday, November 22, 2021

Re: BREAKING: House Democrats pass the Build Back Better Act!

Let's take a moment to celebrate—and then keep the momentum going through the Senate.

Dear MoveOn member, 

I wanted to make sure you saw this email, as I'm still in awe of the Build Back Better Act that House Democrats passed Friday and all of the transformational investments in our communities and our country that are in it. Check out the note below to find out just how significant this legislation will be.

Dear MoveOn member,

After many months of work from MoveOn members, we've finally reached a momentous milestone: House Democrats—with nearly every vote in the caucus—have passed the Build Back Better Act—the biggest, most progressive piece of legislation in a lifetime (or more) for working families!

This historic milestone was made possible by the 81 million voters who turned out to the polls last November to usher Democrats into the White House and both majorities in Congress. Now, less than one year into the Biden administration, we have a robust economic package with essential investments in jobs, child care, health care, and climate action—exactly what our country needs to thrive.

We're not done yet, as the Build Back Better Act will still need to pass the Senate before becoming law, but right now, we can take some time to celebrate this major milestone that we've been working on together for months.

The Build Back Better Act passing means that soon every child will be able to go to preschool for free.

It means that soon we'll have cleaner air and water.

It means that soon over 9 million people will have lower health insurance premiums.

It means that soon child care costs for tens of millions of families will no longer break the bank.

It means that soon corporations will pay more of their fair share in taxes.

There will be much more to say and do in the next few weeks as the Build Back Better Act works its way through the Senate. But today, I hope you take a moment to appreciate this major milestone.

Right now, it's key that we keep momentum going to support the Democrats who are fighting for this agenda and to give it the boost it needs for the strongest possible version to pass in the Senate.  

Will you help get the word out about the historic achievements in the Build Back Better Act—and thank House Democrats for passing it—by sharing this graphic?

And once you've helped spread the word, take some time to celebrate!

Have a two-minute dance party. Go for a walk. Kick your feet up and relax. Have dessert with your kids. Do what makes you happy and remember that we wouldn't have gotten here without the hard work of MoveOn members across the country. Together, we helped create this Democratic majority, set the bar high for them to deliver for all of our communities, and will keep following through until they do.

Take a moment to recognize the impact that the Build Back Better Act will have for generations to come, and feel good that we've made it that much closer: The House has voted, and now it's the Senate's turn to act.

When you are done celebrating, we'll be back with more ideas on how to finish the job on the Build Back Better Act and continue working to make an America where everyone can thrive.

Thanks for all you do.

–Rahna, Ankur, Mohammad, Thad, and the rest of the team

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on November 22, 2021. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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