Wednesday, September 28, 2022

I am writing to ask you to contribute $2.70 before our FEC fundraising deadline on Friday. I will soon be hitting the road to rally support for progressive candidates nationwide, and your contribution will help support our movement's organizing efforts between now and November. Thanks. - B

Sisters and Brothers -

Let's be clear. It's not easy taking on the corporate establishment, the political establishment and the media establishment. But that is what we must do if we are going to have any chance at transforming this country and creating a government that works for all of us.

Between now and November, I will be traveling the country to rally support for progressive candidates nationwide. These are candidates who share our values, and who will have the guts to take on powerful special interests and challenge the status quo when elected to office.

The political future of our country rests upon one very simple principle: the need for working people to stand together and fight back against corporate greed, and create an economy that works for all of us, and not just billionaires and large corporations.

So today, I would like to ask you to do something to ensure that we can continue that important work together:

Will you make a $2.70 contribution to support our organizing efforts nationwide on behalf of progressive candidates and the progressive values we share? We have some modest goals to meet before Friday's FEC deadline, and we can meet them if everyone chips in what they can. Please use this link.

We are living in a time where the people on top are doing phenomenally well, and working people are falling further and further behind. We need an agenda that speaks to the working class of this country. So what does that mean?

We must end the absurdity of being the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care as a human right for all people.

We must take on the pharmaceutical industry which charges us by far the highest prices for prescription drugs than anywhere else in the world.

We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage so that people do not have to choose between paying their rent and putting food on the table.

We must expand Social Security because half of the elderly people are trying to get by on $25,000 a year. Our seniors must have the ability to retire with dignity.

We must guarantee that every kid regardless of income has the opportunity to get a college education and not leave school deeply in debt.

We must take aggressive action to address the existential threat of climate change.

We must restore faith in our democracy by having a government that works for ordinary people, not one that only works for the ultra-wealthy and large corporations.

Together, we can win significant victories for the progressive movement. Just yesterday in the Senate, we blocked a side deal for Big Oil that would have built more pipelines and significantly increased carbon emissions. This is a huge victory for the survival of our planet, and a major loss for the fossil fuel industry.

This November's election is our chance to mobilize millions of people in the struggle to reclaim this country. It is our chance to stand together and say ENOUGH is enough. This country belongs to ALL of us, not just a handful of billionaires.

Will we be successful in implementing policies based on justice and hope that address the needs of our people, or will we have an oligarchy based on outrageous greed in which a small number of individuals control our political and economic systems? That's what this November's elections are all about.

So right now my focus is going around the country to try to elect more progressives who are prepared to stand up for working families and take on big-money interests. I will be doing all I can to rally our movement and bring our people together in the struggle for economic, racial, social, and environmental justice.

But I cannot do it alone, which is why I am asking one more time:

Will you make a $2.70 contribution to help organize our movement around a progressive agenda, and elect more candidates who will fight for that agenda? Please add your contribution today.

We must never stop fighting for the kind of nation we know we can become. Thank you for all you've done, and will do, to carry our progressive movement forward.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


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