Monday, September 26, 2022

Bernie's labor playlist (video enclosed)

Watch Bernie share a few great labor tunes that have had an impact on his life.

Sisters and Brothers -

Bernie recently recorded a video to share some of his favorite labor songs, and today we'd like to share it with you.

These are songs that can bring us together in solidarity and in the struggle for justice. Will you take some time out of your day to tune in?

Watch Bernie's new video to hear some of the labor songs that have had an impact on his life. These are songs that reflect the values of our movement.

New video: Bernie's Top Labor Songs


Here is the playlist that Bernie shares and discusses during the video:

1. This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie
2. Solidarity Forever by Pete Seeger
3. Talking Union by the Almanac Singers
4. Union Maid by Bobbie McGee
5. Joe Hill by Paul Robeson
6. Which Side Are You On? by the Almanac Singers
7. Bread and Roses by Judy Collins

Right now, we face enormous crises – in terms of climate, income and wealth disparities, a disastrous health care system, half of our people living paycheck to paycheck, and so much more.

You all know the issues.

There are people who have written music talking about those issues in a very meaningful way. Their songs are focused on the progressive values of our movement and have brought people together in the struggle to create a government and a country that works for all of us.

We hope you'll tune in to Bernie's video sharing his favorite labor songs.

Watch Bernie's new video to listen to some of the labor songs that have had an impact on his life.

Given the recent growth of the union movement nationwide, and given the economic problems we are facing, it is important that we familiarize ourselves with these songs that reflect the values of our movement.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie


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