Saturday, December 8, 2012

525,600 minutes of Annie Kate!

              525,600 minutes! 
                  525,600 moments in time! 
             How do you measure, measure a year?

            We have measured this past year in terms of Annie Kate moments. The smiles, the tears, the laughter, the hugs and kisses, the bedtime stories, the snuggles, the little voice that refuses to be silent. The metamorphous of this little soul has been unbelievable.  The amazement and wonder in her eyes and the look on her face each day as she has experienced for the first time all her that new life with her adoring family has exposed her to.
              To say she has come a long way baby is the understatement of the year! She has not only thrived but she has flourished and blossomed beyond our wildest expectations.

XinTian (Annie Kate) Dec 2011


Annie Kate (XinTian)
   Dec. 2012


One year ago Annie Kate responded to the name XinTian. She could only speak in Mandarin and had never heard a word of English. She was a scared, confused and sometimes sad tiny little girl who was ripped from the only environment and people she had ever known at the tender age of 3 years 7.5 months old. Wearing her clear plastic backpack containing all her possessions, which consisted of the pillow, stuff panda and book we had sent her,  she was lead into a room and handed over to people who looked , smelled and spoke differently than she had ever experienced. My heart aches as I think what those first minutes must have been like for her. What was she thinking? How many minutes, hours, days did it take before she realized she was not going back. How long before she realized and accepted that we loved her and would always take care of her, we were her forever family? Family... when did she understand the meaning of that word?
                   525,600 minutes ago she walked into our home. We can never forget how she looked around, smiling with a look on her sweet face as if to say: "This is my home...I'm home...yes this is where I belong." It has been full steam ahead since that moment. Each day full of minute by minute transformational changes in her.
                  525,600 minutes later Annie Kate smiles all day long, is fluent in English, sings Adele and Taylor Swift songs at the top of her lungs and embraces each new experience she encounters with  infectious wonderment and enthusiasm. She is the happiest, brightest, sweetest, funniest, loving child who astonishes us each day. She has grown 3 inches and gained 3 lbs. Annie Kate ( knock on wood) has never ever been sick. She has not so much as had a cold or even a running nose. She has not made one trip to the Doctors for a sick visit. She loves every food she has ever tried including clams. muscles, onions, and her favorite... "icy keem" She has no trouble expressing her thoughts and feelings including, " I be berry fuss-traded wiff yours right now." and "peas, yours gots to use yours manors."
               Yesterday while trying to get my attention to ask for some of the M & M's in the candy dish she said to me: "Mama, look atta my nose and focus peas." About 6 months ago out of the blue she said: "Member when I's was in China and yours comes to getta me?" I replied, yes I do remember. To which Annie shocked me by saying: "Ya I's was yittle bit scared, but yours singed me dat song...den I feeled better."
                Now she will often say: " I's is so happy yours dopted me."
                   Today Annie Kate, unusually, woke at 5:50am. She announced she wanted to watch her Dora "kissmiss" movie. As a technologically challenged person, I replied I wasn't sure how to work the DVD player.
                 Annie Kate assured me, " I cans dude it for yours, common I showed yours but yours need to be berry patient and yis-en to what me telled yours, ok? Common we dude dis togetter." And of course she taught me.
                 As we approach the season of giving, the season of wonder and miracles there is no doubt we have a living example right in front of us, in her pink fuzzy robe and bunny slippers sitting here trying to teach us Spanish words from her Dora video.
                We have been blessed as we witnessed 525,600 minutes of  a living, breathing, walking, talking miracle. How are we worthy to be part of such joy and absolute goodness?
                I can't wait for each new minute.
     Happy Coming Home Day to our dear sweet Annie Kate!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


             One year ago today, November 27th, Annie Kate, aka XinTian, walked into the Hefei Social Welfare Institute and was handed over to total strangers who were already in love with this tiny 3 1/2 year old child. She was scared and dazed. These people look and sound. We were terrified. How would this precious little child would react to us? What might be some of her health or emotional issues? Would she fit into our family? One year later...She is our  family!
            Our child, Annie Kate, has brought us so much joy, happiness and humor. She is a Myers all the way.
            We were so  concerned having read and been educated as to the many possible issues facing a child who has been in an orphanage for her whole life regardless of the quality of the institution. I remember there were so many words that were in my mind. How would they be defined by Annie Kate.
We can now answer them easily:
Adjustment: Seamless embraces each experience, food, environment, culture with trust and enthusiasm  
Bonding:  Like Super glue  Nothing can separate her from all of us.
Attachment: Instantaneous with mom, quickly with everyone else
Attitude: Confident I was born to be with this family
Language: Fluent including expression of emotions, Ex. "dat is roode" "I is fish-tra-ed"
Health: Excellent Never sick, Not even a cold, not a single sick Dr. visit in a whole year.
Emotions: Loving complete and unconditional! 
Trust: Totally If we indicate it (whatever "it" is) is ok, she believes us and will try it.
              That day, that moment, seems like a lifetime ago. How is it possible that we have been a family of 8 for only one year. It feels like Annie Kate has always been here with us. But then something will remind me that she doesn't have 4 1/2 years of experiences in our family or this country for that matter.
           As Christmas approaches this will be the last holiday that requires a tutorial. Last year with limited language and home for only two before the holidays Annie does not know Santa or what Christmas means. Yesterday, while still in Fl, we went to see Santa at the mall. Although not afraid, she also was not excited. She seems to go along because Mom said something about pictures and she is always flashing a camera so this seems like another photo opt for no particular purpose.
         I tried to explain, as Annie Kate wanted to take up permanent residency in the toy kitchen display in Pottery Barn kids, that she could ask Santa for the kitchen set ( already ordered) for Christmas. But she needed to be a good girl for Santa to bring her toys on Christmas Day. She ignored me as if to say: "Yea like that is ever going to happen. I get in trouble when I start asking strangers for gum or objects off their desk and now I'm supposed to ask some big guy in a red suit for toys? I am not falling for that one. Plus you guys have been playing this "santa" character all year long."
       Today while having lunch with her big brother Timmy she asked him: "Do yous seed my pic-tour wit...wit...hum...wit dat guy?" Yes. That guy is Santa... don't think she quite gets it yet. I give her another week.
        Never did I dream we would be allowed to parent, yet another, perfect child from China. How did we get to be so blessed?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

This should have been posted in Sept.
It's official, signed, sealed, delivered!
Yesterday we appeared before Judge Spero Pines to accept the signed and approved paper work that filed Annie Kate's adoption in New York State and the USA.  It was only a formality but very symbolic for us and hopefully meaningful to Annie Kate in the future. Although at the time, she was most interested in banging the gavel and playing with the microphone. She now has a USA NYS birth certificate, documents proving she is a US citizen and most importantly unequivocally, indisputably, undeniably OURS!
We went to lunch to celebrate the milestone. Annie Kate apparently didn't understand the vocabulary of "celebration." She thought her lunch salad was called a "salad-brate!"

It is official! All paper work done, filed, signed!

Baba, Annie Kate, Judge Pines, Mommy, Molly!

I going to be "Jack o man turn"
from "Wear da wide fings ares" 
We may have started Halloween a little too early around here. In August I started to explain October holiday after Annie Kate saw costumes in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. "Yes I wanta be da Max." We ordered the Max costume 
only to be told it was back ordered. While at T.J.Maxx we found the "Jack o man turn" costume. Annie Kate insisted on trying it on in the store and wearing out. Of course then Max showed up and we had two costumes! So much fun watching this beautiful child experience so many new things we would other wise take for granted. The pumpkin farm, Boo at Zoo, school Halloween parties and trick or treating. She still needs a little work on trick or treating protocol. Apparently she thinks that when complete strangers answer their "ding bell" they are really saying, here is some candy and by the way: come right inside, tour our entire home, help yourself to whatever you want and leave when your good and ready! Shy she is not!
These people just told me about this thing called Halloween! Seriously? I get to dress up in a costume, ring stranger's "dingbell", say "ticker treat" and they will happily give me candy!
                                                         I am one happy Pumpkin!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Almost 11 months

       I know I have been lax in posting Annie's progress. It is hard keeping with this amazing little girl. We were given the  advise that we would find our "new normal" with Annie Kate in our lives. Honestly, as documented in much earlier posts, we were not sure about this whole thing. Life would change for us...we had no idea that our "new normal" would be this wonderful.
      We experience each day with a little soul who finds every moment of life so new and exciting! I have been keeping notes and will attempt to go back and fill in moments that I have not had time to document for our and about sweet girl.
       She remembers and can pick up on anything she sees or hears. One of her new infatuations is, Taylor Swift.
While riding in the car she said: "Mommy play da Tee shirt song"
I don't know that song.
"Yes you do's, played it peas."
"honey I am not sure what that is?"
"Pretend mommy"
"Ok, Annie wears a tee...."
"No mommy no is Molwee's fav o it song"
"Oh ( light bulb moment) do you mean, She wears short skirts, I wear tee shirts, She's cheer capt. and I am on the bleachers."
"Yes dats it!!!! I loub dat songs."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nine Months!!

      Sept 8, 2012 signified 9 months since Annie Kate's homecoming.  When I consider that 9 months is the gestational time frame for a newborn to come into the world, I find the parallels with our Annie Kate to be just as amazing!

       In nine short, fast, joy filled months she has changed dramatically!

      We were all in awe of Annie Kate from the moment we first saw her precious little face. Her first word, "Mama" sounded like a symphony! Each day brought a new discovery, a new joy, a new milestone to be celebrated. Maybe it was the ability to leave the can of tomato paste home, or start preschool or learn to swim. Everything she has been exposed to she has embraced...and maybe gotten a little too used to. On the way to  Weggieminny's last month Annie announced: "Mommy I wants to go to Floor-da ( FL). I said we will go back to Fl someday. From the back seat this little voice said:" No, I wants to go to Floor-da now. Let's go to da airports and ride da airopain teeday to Floor-da."

       How she has grown in 9 months! Physically, she is growing... finally. I have recently discovered she now needs a 9 1/2 - 10 size shoe after wearing size 8 forever. Although many of the size 3t outfits still fit, we can safely move up to the next size for Fall.

    Last week, while at T J Maxx, she discovered a pair of $2.00 flip flops that she had to have because: "Day match Molwee's pink sandals." and "Day is purfect size sandals."
      These flip flops (that are actually two sizes too big) to Annie Kate, are always referred to as my purfect size sandals only. She will run to find them calling out: "Waits I need to find my purfect size sandals," as if she is saying my nike sandals. Purfect size sandals is all one word.

      She still uses some of her early favorite phrases such as: "Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you. What's yous name? My name Annie Kate." This is now followed by: "What's you doing? What's dat? Why? What's in dare? You have gum?" All of this in rapid succession.

       Her growth in other areas has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her command of the English language is on par if not advanced for her age ( I could be prejudice) The other day I was trying to get her to take a nap. She has learned to make humorous(to her) snorting noises in an attempt to simulate snoring. When I asked her to please stop she replied: "Why, does you fink dat is annoying?"

     She loved going to the golf tournament and her first concert found her dancing the night away, afraid of nothing! She practiced and under stood that holding up the quiet sign before a golfers shot meant her too. She cheered, yelled, Good shot! Get in the hole! Ahhh, good try, good try!

     She  speaks in paragraphs, long winded stories full of details and imagination. Her three best friends, George, Xintian, and Max ( three monkey stuffed animals) go every where, often misbehave and need to have consiquences for their behavior such as sitting on the stairs.

    Unsolicited, she will say: " I love you forever, add for ev-er, I never ever leeb yous, not nevers."
     She told me sometime ago: " be-member when I was in da China and you camed to gets me?"
    I said: "yes I do."
    "My was a yittle bit scared, but you singed me da baby song...I feeled better."

     Annie Kate picks up on everything said to her. I have used my early childhood education to recognize that if a young child...or any child at any age is looking directly at you there is a greater chance they will actually hear what you say. With that in mind Annie is the 6th of our children to be subjected to my famous: 'Look at my nose" command to ensure their attention.
   When Annie wants to make sure she has our attention she will say: "mommy, mommy, Listen to my nose." while pointing to her own nose. The other day she told me in a very stern voice:" I telled you 15 times!!" Apparently I wasn't listening and apparently she has heard this before!! ( cough, cough)

   Annie loves music and has her favorites: The other day she repeatedly asked me ( while in the car) to play:" da tee shurt song."
I could not figure out what she was referring to until she said:"Mommy, yous know, is molwee's
fav-o-it song."At that moment I thought I would die laughing.
     I said: "Do you mean, She wears short skirts, I wear tee shirts, She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers?" (Taylor Swift's, You belong to Me)
"Yes dat it, I loooobe dat song." Her other favorite songs are: Lady Gaga's, Baby I was born this way.
Adele's Someone like you, and Hallelujah in Mass each week.

     At this time last year we were wonder if we had lost our mind, were we up to this, could we really handle a 3 year old? At the adoption agency they said it will be different, it will be a new normal.
    What a difference 9 months can make in a life(s).
We are just thrilled beyond our wildest dreams with our new normal!
I promise to try and be a better blog poster! There is so much to tell about this little creature!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just about exactly one year ago I opened my e-mail and saw her picture. The picture of a little girl that would become our daughter, Annie Kate.
I remember gasping, unable to breath. I remember thinking, oh my God can we do this? I waited two days to show her picture to Tim. This was real. The picture we were shown was of XinTian at age 2, but she was now 3. The photo was over a year old. What do we do? We had 48 hours to "accept" or not.
I'd love to say that I knew in my heart that everything would be just fine but the truth is, I was terrified. As my mother might have said: "Was I biting off more than I could chew?"
Tim and I would go back and forth several times. We couldn't sleep or think.  Every time we thought we were being realistic, one or the other would say, "But... then again... maybe we could...may be we should." We prayed. We looked for a "sign." We asked each other, was that a sign. We asked stupid questions like, what room would we put her in? Then we would look at each other and say," Ok that's not really a serious concern."
One phrase repeated in my mind,"If not us then who?"
Tim called our oldest son Timmy in Fl who had already simply said: "Go get her, bring her home."
It was a role reversal, father asking son for advise.
Timmy said, "Tell me,what are your concerns?"
 Tim replied, "I just don't know if mom and I can do this at our age."
 Our son said, "And what makes you think you will be doing this alone? You have all of us, our family and the Hillis. We are all in this together."
 That was it. The doubt was lifted and this little angel was ours and we knew it.
One year later we cannot imagine our life without her. What a gift, what a blessing, what joy she has brought to our lives and family. What a difference a year can make.
What a difference 7 months can make in the life of a child. Annie Kate has changed so much from that scared, confused little girl who was lead into a large conference room and handed over to a strange man and even stranger woman. The only one who look normal to her was Molly... thank God a sane person she must have thought!
Yesterday was a routine visit to Dr. Nirgudkar, our pediatrician for the past 30+ years. Annie Kate has repeated the assessment she heard him say: "Dacor say, I doing great."
Annie Kate has gained 1 1/2 lbs, grown 3/4 of an inch and is the 25th percentile. More importantly her adjustment, emotional development and attachment has progressed at warp speed. She is so happy, comfortable, smart, entertaining and has such a passion for life. She has embraced each of us as her family and knows she is home. She loves us and I know she comprehends that she is loved by us. She accepts that it is normal to have each of us wrapped around her finger.
Last year at this time even my rose color glasses did not see this beautiful scene we are so blessed to share and experience every day as a possibility!
Life is good!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kayaking with big sister Molly!  "Don't getta me wet," Annie Kate would tell Molly as she paddled around the lake.
The lake is Annie Kate's new favorite place. She is in the water any chance she gets. Our neighbors came to meet her and gave her some wonderful gifts. Among the presents were a pair of pink "sunny..gloss..eez." Annie Kate loved them.
Try as we might to warn her that swimming with the coveted glasses was risky, she insisted... down went the glasses to the bottom of the lake when Baba lifted her onto the raft with him.
At dinner the story was: "Baba lossed my pink sunny...gloss...eez, darnit!"
Enter 9 year old neighbor, Aaron. While swimming at our dock Annie was again beating up on her dad's indiscretion regarding the priceless glasses. Without us noticing, Aaron put on his mask, search around the dock and found the glasses.
Annie Kate was thrilled. She put on her glasses... and jumped back in the water but this time she held onto them...for now.
Last month, while at the lake, I jokingly asked Annie Kate if she had made her bed and picked up her clothes which is the rule for being able to go in the water or on the boat.
She said:"I be right back" She returned pulling my hand saying: "Come I show you."
The above picture is how she made her bed..."all by my cell phone," she proudly exclaimed.
I was not sure if I was thrilled or sad that she could accomplish such a task so well at her age. I asked her if she made her own bed when she was in China...she happily said, "yes me did."
I choose not to dwell on what was likely expected of this little girl at such a young age while in China. I am going to celebrate that her skills will serve her well in life.
She knew how to make her bed, we did not teach her. She was able to picked up all her clothes and neatly put them back in her little duffel bag placing that in her closet.
The good news is she is very proud of her ability to be self sufficient and to help.
The bad news is her adult and almost adult siblings have yet to reach her level of personal responsibility.
Solution: From now on Annie Kate is in charge of supervising all clean up. Let's see her brothers and sisters ignore her... as it is, they hang on every words she says, find it impossible deny any request she makes and love it each moment they spend with her.
This seems like a win/win.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Watchie Me Foks"

The other day Tim was playing on our back yard swing set with Annie. He guided her to the fireman's pole and helped her secure her arms and legs around it so she could happily slide to the ground.
Tim turned to me saying she doesn't realize she could just jump onto the pole herself.
Annie clearly hears, comprehends and can implement any directions. She climbed up the ladder, reach for the pole with her hand, flung herself onto the pole and stuck the landing perfectly!
With the speed of technology Tim immediately sent the video to all our older kids/adults.
Timmy text back: "Dear China, You told us we were getting a Special Needs child. Liars!"
Today, while at the lake house, I asked Annie Kate if she had picked up her clothes and made her bed. She took off upstairs only to return a few moments saying: " Come wif me uppie stair." She had made her bed ( bottom bunk) better than most of her older siblings. Her clothes were packed and zipped into her little suit case.  Maybe she was required to to this in the orphanage or maybe she really is that smart and co ordinated. Either way, she is the best of the best!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fishing, nails and water slide

Just when we thought Annie Kate couldn't get any more amazing... she does.
There is nothing this child cannot do, try or accomplish. Timmy gave her a fishing rod of her very own for her birthday. She can hold it by her "cell phone" while reeling in a fish.( she prefers hot dogs as bait as opposed to shrimp...Timmy's favorite.)
Sunday when I told her I  needed to cut her finger nails... she proceeded to cut them herself! She held the nail clippers against her chest while maneuvering her fingers exactly into the correct position, depressed the clipper to cut them perfectly... all five of them.
Today, in the 90 degree heat, she sailed down the water slide, "all be her cell phone" wearing her month old plastic birthday crown, holding rubber duckie and yelling "quack, quack, quack as she flew down the slide.
Last week on a rainy day, she wanted me to move my car from the garage so she could ride her bike. When I agreed she replied and I quote: " Fank you so muchie, I reedy pre she ate tea"
Daniel had to translate: "Thank you so much I really appreciate it."
I can't imagine that we really had one moment of doubt about this child joining our family... It was a plan that could not have played out any other way!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hoppy Bird Day Mudder See Day!

Annie's version of Happy Birthday combined with Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day

Today, is my 30th Mother's Day.  It has never lost it's magic and importance for me. I remember each moment that my 6, wonderfully different, children were placed in my arms. There are no words to describe the joy, the amazement, the instant unconditional, total, complete love.... and the fear.
This year is my first Mother's Day as Annie Kate's mom. I wish my Mother( GMA) was here to meet  her newest granddaughter.
As I picked her up from "BU" preschool Thursday, she eagerly presented her first ever Mother's Day gift to me. It was her hand print made to look like flowers with stems coming from the bottom and a sweet poem in the center. Her teachers were saying "Annie wanted to make it that way." At first, I took that as her left hand print in yellow and on the right side she painted what looked like a realistic tulip in blue.
It wasn't until Annie insisted on re-enacting the procedure that I understood her teacher's slight appearance of uncomfortableness.
Annie placed her left hand perfectly over the yellow flower then pointing to her right, said: "Do paint on my pecial hand, puttie on da paper, maka nudder flowrer," with the hugest smile on her face! Looking again I saw the blue flower is the imprint her missing hand made on the paper.
 It is the best gift... my child being proud and comfortable with who she is.
Happy Mother's Day!

Go Yankees!!!

Today was Annie Kate's first NY Yankee baseball game at the famous Yankee Stadium! As with every new adventure with this absolutely ( her new word) amazing child, she embraced every moment!
She was a bit confused at first. As she heard the first cheers of a home run being hit by Jayson Nix (#17) Annie started clapping and yelling : "Yeah Kenny! Good job Kenny!" She was referring to the PGA golfer Kenny Perry who she has watch on TV with Timmy. Not to worry, she figured it out quickly. Soon she was yelling her Grandpa Dan's favorite baseball cheer: " hid it yike yous mean it!" and "Go Jeezter!"
We had a great day!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Guess who? Timmy says she looks like Dad!

Best Birthday Present Ever!

       The 1st birthday weekend for our 4 year old was a huge success! Riding Annie's new pink
 "bi ce cule" was mastered on the rail trail with big sister Meaghan who can home for the weekend event! The generous gifts from family and friends mesmerized Annie with each rip of wrapping paper.
        But when Uncle Marty, Aunt Nancy's  family gift ( a Dachshund doggie) arrived on Friday, Annie was over the moon! Annie is both terrified and in love with all small dogs. When we see any dog she will run up to the dog excited and eager to pet them. As soon as the dog makes a move or barks Annie turns, runs and climbs up the nearest familiar body to safety.
        So the fact that the birthday gift was a helium filled balloon in the shape of a Dachshund dog made this the perfect pet for Annie. The weights on the "doggie's feet combined with the helium made the dog hover and move in what appeared to be a  walking motion. The ribbon attached served as a perfect leash.
          The doggie named "Coover" went everywhere with Annie all weekend including to the diner for a girls lunch with Meaghan. Apparently, the dog had a hard time staying in the booth. Annie had to repeatedly chase him, pull him and reprimand him to "sitty down".
As the two opened to door to leave the cool breeze caused the "dog" to rush out ahead of the sisters scaring an elderly women as she tried to enter the restaurant. When Annie and I happened to go to the same restaurant this morning the hostess looked at Annie and said:" where is your dog today?"

Friday, April 20, 2012

Today 4 years ago, on the other side of the world, a women gave birth to our daughter. What were the circumstances that made her leave this precious four day old baby outside the Hefei Hospital. Did she believe this child's missing right hand would require more care than she could provide? Did she look into her sweet black eyes and sob knowing she had to leave her. Was she watching from close by to make sure her tiny infant was brought inside?  I can only imagine how her heart must have been breaking. I imagine on this day our child's birth mother is wondering, praying and longing to know that her child is happy and cared for. I can only imagine her sadness as she looks at the date on the calendar and thinks of the child that is not in her arms. Today I woke wondering and feeling sad for this mother I have never met but feel I owe so much.
If only she could somehow know that her sacrifice is a wonderful gift to a family on the other side of the world. I wish she could know that her baby was placed in the arms of a blue eyed, red haired women and family who are completely enchanted and adore this child. If only she could know that this child has been embraced by her new family and community with opens arms and loving hearts. 
In four short months this little girl has melted the heart of everyone she has met.
This date on the calendar is cause for celebration! If this date is our Annie Kate's first birthday she has ever celebrated she is clearly making up for the first 3 years she missed.
Today Happy Birthday was sung at least 15 times through out the day. At Annie's insistence there was a candle in her waffle for breakfast, in her yogurt for lunch and on her yellow cake after dinner. Her  face was price less as she watched repeatedly as the cake spun around on the  musical cake plate that was at each of my birthday celebrations during my childhood. After her nap the Myers traditional "search for your gift" had Annie following the yard through out the house...literally. Daniel and Molly started at Annie's bedroom, ran the string through the living room, out the door, along the north side of the house, back in the front door, to the kitchen, to the laundry room, out to the pool area, along the south side of the house, to the garage and finally to rest at her brand new pink, big girl bicycle!  
Tomorrow the party continues with friends and family, with more cake, a bounce house and I am sure additional renditions of "Hoppy Birfday to Yous". 
Chinese folklore believes that a thin red line connect those who are meant to be together and nothing in the world can break that thread. There is no doubt Annie Kate is where she was meant to be, with us her family. 
I pray for Annie's birth mother. I pray she can be at peace knowing the child she gave life to is happy, thriving and loved beyond words. Isn't that what all mothers want for their children?
Happy 4th Birthday Annie Kate!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wait Your Turn and The Filibuster!

There is no doubt that living in an orphanage one of Annie's first lessons, was likely, learning to wait her turn. In fact, the first time I ever mentioned that she would need to wait her turn to speak she understood.
Very quickly she learned to say: " Now it Annie torn!"
Although she always has a lot to say, lately when she is speaking she has refuses to yield to floor to anyone.
She has been known to continue speaking, alternating between English, Chinese and nonsense languages as she glances around the room for subjects to keep talking about. When we ask her if she is attempting a filibuster she replies without taking a breath: "Yes, filbusta!" Then keeps on going.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to eat a popsicle!

Another fun day!
Annie awoke with the sun, ready to jump in the pool before breakfast. We have gotten her to stop referring to the jet skis as "car seats" which she happily waited her turn to ride until Molly had a spin around the intercostal. Annie's language astounds us daily. Today she clearly announced she needed some "lippy stick" before going to dinner. On the way home, her little voice from the back seat while waving her hand, requested the song, " All da single yaddies!"
Today was also a reality check. After nap time we gave Annie a Popsicle to eat out by the pool. She looked it all over and when it started to melt she announced she didn't want it. It had never occurred to me that she would have no idea what to do with the cold, sticky, dripping treat. I showed her how to sip the juice from it, turn it, bite it and finally lick the stick.
Being a very quick study, Annie discovered she could clean her messy Popsicle hands by dipping them in the pool, reapplying lippy stick, head off for her turn on the "car seats" all while singing her new favorite Beyonce song!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

4 Months and a life time ago!

Today marks 4 months that we have had Annie Kate home with us all. It seems like she has always been here.
In such a short number of days she has completely changed our lives and as much as we feel uncomfortable admitting, we have changed hers.
Daniel and I were discussing the nature/nurture debate today.
We concluded maybe it is as simple as Annie Kate has been given the space and opportunity to be the individual she was born to be. This tiny little person seems to embrace her new world and family as one exciting adventure after another. Each and every day she is thrilled with every experience.
Yesterday, she caught a fish on her own with her new fishing rod, rode a jet ski for the first time, and finally Annie Kate bravely jumped into the pool unassisted and swam. With no nap she was dressed up dragged to a restaurant where she ate all Timmy's clams along with her own meal and she never questions the rule, no soda for Annie.
I am humbled at the trust she displays towards all of us. Some how she knows or feels we will not let her down, we will not let any harm come to her.
In 4 months time she has gone from having no parents to guide and love her to seven, plus an extended family that may be as vast as China itself.
In 4 months time her language has gone from having never heard English to proficiency. She not only can understand everything but she can also express herself... very clearly. Last week from the back seat of the car this little voice said: "I donut like dis song, different song peas."
Tonight while being praised for her good manners at dinner Annie interrupted ...."and patience too!"
On this Easter Sunday we are blessed beyond words. We have our very own little miracle. Thank you God!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Rhymes with Annie?

Annie Kate's language development is progressing well.(says her clearly bias mother) Is she on par with her 4 year old peers? No, but we are working hard and practice everyday. Annie Kate can repeat anything she hears so we are very careful as to what she is exposed to.
At the her first hockey game Saturday, Hockey For Hope, she would appropriately say: "darn it!" when the puck slipped into the goal.
Sometimes she forgets the new word she is attempting to apply. Looking for assistance, she will turn her ear towards me, requesting the answer be whispered into her little ear. She then proudly pronounces the word, thought or phrase as an original independent accomplishment.
The other day I introduced her to words that rhyme. She found these sounds to be the funniest thing she has ever heard. We may need to find a different way to teach this skill. She doesn't seem to be taking this lesson very serious!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


When falling asleep Annie Kate still comforts herself by laying face down in her little bed while banging her head onto her pillow. All the expects ( and even the Internet) claim this is harmless. Due to my bionic hearing I can hear her rhythmic motion from the adjacent room. It breaks my heart to think she developed this habit as a way to put herself to sleep alone in the orphanage.
Last night I heard the familiar head banging coming from her room. As I knelt down next to her bed and stroked her black velvet hair she turned towards me as I whispered: " Mommy is right here." With eyes half closed she looked up at me as the sweetest smile I have ever seen grew across her face. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep the smile lingering on her precious face. The expression of peace on her face brought tears to my eyes. I could have stayed there watching her all night.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Madness!

The recent beautiful weather allows Annie Kate spend lots of time outdoors, which she loves. We may be bias but she seems to have a fair amount of athletic abilitiy and loves any sport. "bake it ball" is top on her list.
Annie was getting in some hoop time with daddy to gear up for the "cuse" game.
Fearless is an understatement! As she hangs on the rim or scales an 8 foot climbing wall at the park it seems no one has told her most people require two hands to accomplish these feats.
We have no plans to inform her... she wouldn't believe us anyway.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

All by my "cell phone"!

The days are just flying by. Annie Kate continues to thrive. I keep waiting and wondering when the supposedly "honeymoon phase" will end because this has been complete joy.
Her comfort and feelings of security are evident. She no longer needs us to stay in her room until she falls asleep. Is comfortable with family members leaving and returning. (including Mom)
She clearly understands cause and effect. One day when she was so tired she fell asleep for a nap without any "fuss" we praised her when she woke saying "good job." She also received a Hersey Kiss ( thank you Aunt Nancy for the huge jar located in Mama's office) Now she praises herself saying for any perceived accomplishment saying: "good job...chalk let for Mee? K? Just one!"
Her language development is unbelievable and she repeats any and everything she hears such as: "Is great idea!" as she discovers her unactivated, taped together cell phone fits in the cup holder of her car seat.
She is growing more and more independent. The best is when she proudly proclaims:
" I did it! I did it all by my cell phone!"
Timmy, laughing into his shirt sleeve, will say, make her say it again.
So I will ask her, "Did anyone help you?"
Excitedly she proclaims with palms flipped upward: "No, all by my cell phone!"

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sticky ribs!

When you are 3 years old everything is a new adventure. Did you know that after you eat ribs with your fingers .... your fingers will stick together! It is just fascinating!

To ignore or to intervene?

Wednesday morning we were heading off to meet Meaghan and see Timmy in Fl. for 5 days. Since Christmas one of Annie's favorite pass times is to push her mini shopping cart all around the house collecting anything that isn't nailed down and throwing it in her cart. She repeats this with purses she drags, usually, from my closet.
Annie Kate had her panda back pack all set to go to Fl. As Tim handed it to her she pretended the straps were too big, dropped it on the floor and started crying: " No work, It no work!" She then proceeded to go to my closet to retrieve the red, Paten Leather Coach purse she had been "borrowing" lately. Dora the Explorer, sunglasses and a "juicy box" were hastily thrown in the purse and we were off to the airport.
When we arrived at the FL rental car I was struggling to secure Annie's car seat in the van.
Annie climbed into the front seat and appeared as if she might attempt to drive the car away herself,
so the very nice Hertz man asked her if she wanted to see all the airplanes. As I was buckling and tugging on the car seat I heard him say: " You need to hold my hand, you must have a hand in that sweater somewhere!"
In that split second my mind was trying to figure out do I tell him, actually she doesn't have that hand or do I just keep quiet? With the car seat now in place the man returned to try and place a non compliant Annie in the seat. To distract her, he asks," what is your name?" For the first time she replies: "Annie" instead of Xin Tian The man then asks her how many planes did we see? They start counting together but he is showing her how to count to ten in sign language...which only requires one hand...and she followed his lead.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Little Engine

Annie's vocabulary, understanding and expressions are expanding with leaps and bounds. Today while at breakfast on our way to the Molly's dance competition in Scranton she reprimanded me with the same words used to correct her behavior. The Myers ( ok Kim only) family tradition of blowing the paper off a restaurant straw, regardless of direction, was... misplaced today. In fact, it hit Annie square on her left cheek. With finger pointing she announced: "donut do dat a-gan, No in da face...peas... you be nice-a!" (over and over again)
Lately I have noticed her seemingly being frustrated if she cannot accomplish a task usually requiring two hands like buttons, zippers or carrying 8 or 9 books at a time. With her increased verbalization she started saying in the saddest little voice: "I can no do it!" In an attempt to encourage and refusing to allow her to limit herself I told her once: "how about we say, I can try it." This is usually followed by her rendition of The Little Engine That Could chant: "I fink I can, I fink I can, I fink I can!"
As her mother, I know she can!

Friday, March 2, 2012

New Friends!

Lots of fun today! Lunch with my new friend Kaden & our dear friend Candice! Then to the new Lego play place where Kaden and Annie continued to act as if neither was in the same room. Annie loved the nude Barbie dolls Kaden brought along to play with. She was most pleased that one of the Barbie dolls at least had on blue earrings!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

First Day of Skewel!

 Annie Kate is clearly very bright, confident and full of personality! After only 10 weeks in this country she was admitted, to top rated Binghamton University!

Today was her first day of "skewel."

As we tried to prepare Annie for the start of her school career she was a bit confused.  Initially she thought "going to school" meant on her daily, early morning rides she was finally going to be able to get out of the car and march into  Vestal High School with Molly. Once we explained she accepted that she had her own school. Next was the idea that Mama would not be staying.  No" was followed by, "Ok, Annie said: " mama be white back."
Before leaving we took the traditional Myers family first day of school photo by the light post in the yard.
We arrived at BU preschool 8:50 AM. Annie Kate ran into the classroom practically trampling over classmates and parents in her path.  Her teacher greeted her with a warm smile and showed her the cubbie to keep her belongings in. As she took off her panda hat to reveal her panda hair tie and her panda dress while putting away her panda backpack and stuffed panda bear, her teacher commented : "Oh my, it all matches!" She obviously has no idea who she is dealing with.
Was Annie comfortable in her new class? ... Mama was back home by 9:07AM...alone and wondering what I was supposed to do until pick up at 1:00PM.
Baba wasn't much better. At 12:15 the car was running in the driveway ready to head out to scoop her up.
 Upon entering the classroom (early) at dismissal time our first clue that she was not only ready for school but eager was when we told her it was time to go she said" "no" and ran to the play kitchen area.
Finally she bounced out the door proclaiming she would be back "a mar row" which is really Thursday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trip to FL...Go High!

  Every new experience seems to be pure joy for our Annie Kate!
Last week was her first trip to sunny Florida and the beach! In preparation for the trip we tried on sun dresses, swim suits and shorts! Each outfit was received by, first "my can do it" (dressing herself) then "so pity" while twirling around in circles.
Every morning  mounted on the back of Mom's bike, it was off to bagels with helmet, sunglasses and new flip flops.
The first trip to the beach was priceless. Before the ocean was even in sight Annie Kate was offended by the sand touching her toes. Raised on her tip toes she exclaimed : "dirty! " When she actually got to the beach and tried to walk in the soft, dry sand she looked as if she was 85 years old. Clutching her bag, head down, hunched over each tiny step looked as if she was walking on a tight rope with frightening perils on either side. 
The small waves rolling in were totally perplexing to her. First the water is here then it's gone but here it comes again!
As with each new adventure Annie adjusts in record time. Within 10 minutes she was in the water with big brother Timmy and making birthday cakes for mommy out of sand requiring a chorus of "hoppy bird day to ewe ,Mama" with each presentation.
Annie Kate would have stayed at the beach all day. Lesson learned: bring an extra bathing suit. When her bottom is full of comes the suit, refusing to put on the "dirty" outfit.
Back at the pool her favorite activity was to have Baba throw her into the air and catch her as she splashes back into the water. While wiping the water out of her eyes she yells: "Go high!" 
Leaving the pool even for the occasional "she she" 
(bathroom) was torture for Annie Kate. So when nature called and Mama wasn't present, this 3 year old convinced Baba that peeing along side the bushes next to the pool was acceptable behavior implying this wasn't the first time and Mama was on board with this. Not!

Monday, February 13, 2012

GMA's shovel and the Tiny Dancer!

 Finally a snow fall worthy of a family effort to shovel the driveway. Most people do not realize snow shovels can come in sizes other than adult or colorful plastic child size.  We are fortunate to have inherited my beloved mom's, (aka GMA, Grandma Mary Ann) snow shovel that could have been considered by Goldilocks as not too big, not too small but just right! The solid wood handle and perfectly curved metal blade makes this petite instrument effective and manageable when loaded with heavy snow. I am sure GMA is smiling and pleased at how skillfully Annie Kate can help clear the driveway with this unique 40 year old shovel. She considers this to be her shovel refusing any type of "toy" looking option.  We just need to help her understand that turning her shovel up side down and dragging the snow from the lawn onto the driveway is a bit counter productive to our common goal.
Annie Kate loves playing in Molly's room every chance she gets. Two older sisters with a combined 25+ years of ballet lessons have a fair amount of influence over Annie Kate's future dance skills. Today she refused to wear ballet shoes that were too big even though they stayed on just fine. Her turns were just not "clean " enough. It was only a matter of searching to find, among the dozens of out grown dance shoes, before we found an acceptable style and size.
 The "Tiny Dance" in her purple tutu had a ball attempting to perfect her maneuvers! Dizzy dance may be more accurate!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Home 2 months today!

What an incredible and fast two months it has been since we touched down with Annie Kate. Somehow it feels as if she has always been here with us.
To mark the occasion we thought a trip to the park, one of Annie's favorite things to do, ( despite the 30 degree weather) would be fun.
First we needed to run a few errands. The post office was not crowded, Annie only tried swinging on the blue straps that divide the lines twice,( tipping the posts over once) removing all the priority mail labels from their slots and made friends with a women in line by reciting her famous: " hello, how are you?" In short the USP was uneventful...not so at Lowes Home Improvement Store.

 The display of toilets was just what Annie's weary legs needed. $145. seemed like a fair price but to be sure one should certainly try it out. Luckily she did only use it as a resting spot and didn't not use it literally.
At the park Annie ran from one piece of equipment to another.  The slides, the swings, the climbing bars...oh what shall I try first?I could not help but feel overwhelmed at seeing this little girl playing so happily without a care in the world!
When we look back to Dec 8th, she hardly seems like the same child. What a miracle to see that scared somber face of 60 days ago transformed to  the ear to ear smile and giggles that fill our lives each day.
Yesterday she went with me to have my nails done. The owners spoke Chinese, were incredibly kind and tried desperately to engage her in conversation. Annie, once again, acted as if she had never heard the language before. Yet if I spoke to her she responded including running to pick out a pink bottle of nail polish for herself. By the end of our visit she was allowing the people to shower her with candy and give her rides on the rolling chairs but refused to react or reply to her native language. I wish I knew why.
Regardless...what a complete joy!
Thank you God for bringing her to us.