Saturday, June 29, 2019

You haven't contributed ahead of tomorrow's FEC deadline

This election is about who can actually transform our country.


Before Bernie ever decided to run for president, one of his greatest fears was that if he was not successful, it would not just be a setback for him — it would be a setback for the ideas that power our campaign.

Even if you caught just a few minutes of either of the two presidential debates this week, you know that our ideas — Medicare for All, canceling student debt, justice for all — are dominating this race. That is good.

Our job now is to make clear that when it comes to actually winning on these ideas, it's Bernie who has the guts to fight back against the billionaire class that wants to stop us.

When it comes to standing up to the billionaire class, it's Bernie who doesn't take their money. He doesn't need it. That's because he has all of us, contributing what we can to make sure that WE own this movement. That fact is ESPECIALLY important before tomorrow's FEC fundraising deadline.

Will you contribute $3 to our campaign before tomorrow's midnight fundraising deadline? Your donation will let Bernie know you believe he can win on these ideas.


We can trust Bernie. Now Bernie's counting on us.

Thank you for helping our campaign before Sunday's big deadline.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager

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