Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Are you watching this?

Friends -

We're at the halfway point of the first debate and this much is clear:

It's a debate on the issues Bernie popularized — the issues people called "too radical" and "fringe" for a long, long time.

Candidates are actually talking about raising taxes on the rich and on corporations that don't pay their fair share. They're talking about raising the minimum wage to a living wage. They're talking about ideas like free college and guaranteeing health care as a right in this country.

Make no mistake about it — they are talking about these issues because we have led the way.

But we can't stop now. And Bernie can't do it alone:

Can you make a $3 contribution to our campaign before this debate ends and before Bernie takes the stage tomorrow night?

A lot of candidates are talking like Bernie, but what makes us different is that we know it will take a political revolution in this country to make these ideas happen.

Thank you for being a part of that.

Not me. Us.

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager


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