Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Re: Confirmation #4303907 for kmyers209.shamrock5@blogger.com →

We need you to understand what we’re up against.

-- John Thune reportedly rushed a record-breaking $4 MILLION to flip the Senate red.

-- Mike Johnson rushed nearly $26 MILLION to the NRCC to salvage his razor-thin Majority.

-- Donald Trump reportedly has $283 MILLION (!!!) to bulldoze his way back into power.

This is a five-alarm fire: So we're calling for 30,941 Democrats to step up with an emergency $4 in the next 8 hours to help Democrats have an UNPRECEDENTED fundraising haul of our own, OUTRAISE Republicans, and SQUASH their hopes of regaining full power. Can we count on you to fight back with $4 to help take back the House Majority before midnight? >>

Activist: kmyers209.shamrock5@blogger.com
Suggested Support: $4

We’re begging you to make a critical choice at this moment.

We can either let Republicans use this fundraising advantage to line their coffers in every battleground district and buy their way back into full power.

OR we can build an UNPRECEDENTED base of Members, send resources to vulnerable House Democrats across the country, and hand Republicans a HUMILIATING defeat.

Remember, we only need to flip 4 SEATS to take back the House! We can’t afford to sit back and allow Republicans to THREATEN our hard-fought progress.

We’ll be blunt: Unless we can outraise Republicans and close our fundraising gap, Democrats will be ill-equipped to reinstate our Democratic Trifecta. We’re calling for an IMMEDIATE response -- 30,941 Democratic gifts before midnight -- to pull this off. Can we count on you to rush in $4 before it’s too late? >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $3 immediately >>
Chip in $20.24 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Thank you,


Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>

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This message was sent to: kmyers209.shamrock5@blogger.com

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