Monday, October 21, 2024

Can you please make a contribution of $27 or whatever you can afford to help me continue to campaign to defeat Donald Trump and to organize support for our progressive agenda with the new administration and Congress?

We are living in a truly unprecedented moment in history

Good afternoon.

We are living in a truly unprecedented moment in history and the actions we take between now and this election — and immediately after it ends — will determine not only the future of our country but the entire world.

If there has ever been a time in American history when our people must stand together in the fight for economic, social, racial and environmental justice — now is that time.

The bad news is that poll after poll shows this election is going to be very close and Donald Trump has a chance to become President of the United States once again.

The good news is that no matter what happens this November, poll after poll also shows that our agenda is extremely popular with the American people. No matter who wins this election, people want the wealthiest in this country to pay their fair share, they want health care for all as a human right, they want leaders with the guts to take on the drug companies and the oil companies, and they want an end to the corrupt political system that allows billionaires to buy our elections.

So what happens next?

First, it is absolutely critical that all of us do everything we can to defeat Donald Trump this November. Nothing less than the future of our democracy and the not-so-small issue of the habitability of our planet is at stake.

As you may know, I have been doing numerous rallies and events all across the country to do just that. The turnouts have been strong, and the energy level high.

I also know that many of you have been involved in Kamala's campaign - volunteering, donating and doing whatever you can to get her supporters out to the polls. I thank you for that.

But let us be clear. Our struggle does not end on Election Day. The day after Kamala wins we must continue to mobilize the American people to demand that her administration and the Congress respond to the urgent needs of the working families of this country. The American people want change, and Washington must deliver. We must take on the billionaire class and the powerful special interests who have so much power over the economic and political life of this country.

Yes. We must create a government that works for all, and not just the wealthy few.

Needless to say I, and other progressives in Congress, cannot do that work alone.

The great progress we have made in advancing the progressive agenda has occurred because we have gone forward together.

Today, I am writing to ask if you can help me fund that work between now and Election Day and in the time after — and to send a message to every one of my colleagues, present and future, that our political revolution remains strong.

Can you please make a contribution of $27 or whatever you can afford to help me continue to campaign to defeat Donald Trump and to organize support for our progressive agenda with the new administration and Congress?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

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