Sunday, October 20, 2024

Some new analysis for you.


Hi, it’s Paul Begala.

I’ve spent decades working atop Democratic campaigns, analyzing research, and making tough decisions to help Democrats win across the country. 

So, when I tell you that the stakes of this election couldn’t be higher, you know I really mean it. 

If you already know the stakes of taking back the House in 16 days, please rush a donation of $1, $4, or whatever you can spare to the DCCC before their very last deadline of this election. Donations from Grassroots Democrats like you are pivotal to restoring our Democratic House majority, and I’m counting on you to step up with a gift before midnight tonight!

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I’ll share with you what I’m hearing about the state of this election as it stands right now:
  • The latest polls are neck-and-neck, with Extreme MAGA Republicans within striking distance of holding or even expanding their fragile majority.

  • Democrats are fighting back, targeting 33 highly competitive seats. Remember, we only need to flip four of these seats to take back the House.

  • Republicans and their mega-donors have raised over $183 MILLION to keep control of the House.
To sum up, House control could be decided by just a handful of districts or even a handful of votes. 

That’s why it is so important that we build a strong grassroots movement right now and support Democrats running in swing seats from coast to coast.

I’m calling for an immediate surge of support from grassroots Democrats like you. If just 912 more supporters from your state step up today, our Democrats will be in a prime position to take back House control and end the chaos and dysfunction of the current MAGA majority. Will you rush $4 to the DCCC before the deadline to help flip the House blue? >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $3 immediately >>
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Thank you for your support,

Paul Begala

Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>

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