Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Join Mark Kelly's U.S. Senate campaign in Arizona!

Activist -

After a considerable amount of thought, encouragement and conversation with Gabby, I’m writing you today with some exciting news:

I have decided to run for the United States Senate in Arizona.

This will not be an easy campaign. And the truth is, there is no way I can do it alone.

Our fight to improve our gun laws and my commitment to tackling climate change and ending the outrageous influence corporate money has on our politics means there are a lot of powerful interests who want to stop us.

But we are no stranger to tough fights. For the past five years, we’ve taken on the gun lobby together… and we are winning.

And I have absolutely no doubt that if you’re with me in this fight, we’re going to win here, as well. But I cannot do it alone:

Your support on the first day of this campaign is critical. Can you sign your name and join me as one of the first supporters of our U.S. Senate campaign? I am rejecting corporate PAC money, so it’s critical we launch this campaign with as many supporters as we can.

In my life I have been an astronaut, an engineer, a combat pilot and led the fight with Gabby to improve our gun laws. And in each of those endeavors, success meant working together with others.

This campaign will be no different. And I am so thankful to know we’re in this together from the start. Thank you in advance for chipping in.

All my best,

Mark Kelly




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