Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Their strategy won’t work, Pamela

Help us keep voters updated on changing rules 

ICYMI, Pamela, the Georgia State Election Board voted 3-2 to require hand counting ballots cast on Election Day.

What does this mean?

  • Increased Workload for Poll Workers: The requirement to unseal and count ballots adds significant workload and complexity for poll workers, potentially leading to fatigue and errors. This added task could also divert poll workers' focus from their primary responsibilities and extend their working hours.
  • Unnecessary Burden on Election Processes: The rule introduces unnecessary steps into the election process, complicating what should be a straightforward procedure. Protocols for handling and securing ballots that balance security with efficiency are already established.
  • Risk of Ballot Tampering: Frequent handling and unsealing of ballots may increase the risk of accidental or intentional tampering. 

This late breaking change is a perfect illustration of the MAGA operation's strategy to sow doubt and chaos, and upend the 2024 election. But it won't work. 

With your help, we can fight back by keeping voters informed of these changes, and continue to protect access to the ballot box. Chip in now to power this work.

We're in this fight together — thank you for showing up.

Fair Fight


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