Monday, September 23, 2024

🚨GA State Election Board is out of line

We need voters across the country to get involved 

Breaking news, Pamela:

The Georgia State Election Board voted on Friday to order hand counting of all ballots cast on Election Day — a change that adds unnecessary burdens on Georgia's election process, increases the potential for disruption, and increases workloads on overworked poll workers.

As MAGA-backed members of the SEB prepare their election sabotage strategy, it's critical that we're prepared to fight back. Can you rush a donation of $30 today to help Fair Fight sound the alarm and mobilize activists whenever voting rights are threatened?


The rule change introduces unnecessary steps and delays into our election process — complicating what should be a straightforward procedure. 

But we know what we must do in order to ensure a free and fair election. By turning out in huge numbers too big to cry fraud, we can protect our freedom and ensure the choice of the voters, not the election deniers, prevails.

Thank you for helping us fight back.

Fair Fight


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