Monday, September 16, 2024

Are you registered to vote, Pamela? Take a minute to check.

Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day 

Pamela, tomorrow is one of our favorite holidays — National Voter Registration Day!

It's a chance to celebrate our power in our democracy and it's a handy reminder to double-check that your voter registration is up to date.

Maybe you've moved since the last time you voted. Maybe you've been assigned a new polling place. Maybe you just want to clear one more worry from the back of your mind, especially during this critical election season when we've seen increasingly brazen attempts to keep voters from using their voice.

If you have a minute right now, how about confirming your voter registration? Click here to get started.

And if you aren't registered to vote, get started here.

Once you're done, be sure to share those links! Maybe a family member or friend recently moved, or might need to update their registration. Or maybe there's someone in your life who just turned 18 and is excited to vote in their first election. It never hurts to send them a friendly reminder. Or two. Or ten. They'll appreciate that you're looking out for them and for our democracy.

Thanks for being a voter and helping make sure others can make their voices heard, too.

Team Fair Fight



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