Sunday, October 27, 2024

I’m on the road in two battleground states, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Let's do everything we can to see that Trump is defeated and Kamala elected.

Dear friend,

In the most consequential election in modern American history, I'm on the road in two battleground states, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

On Saturday morning we did a great rally with trade unionists at the Steelworkers Union hall in Erie, PA. Hundreds of these workers will be doing exactly what has to be done - knocking on doors and talking with fellow workers.

With trade unionists at the Steelworkers Union hall in Erie, PAWith trade unionists at the Steelworkers Union hall in Erie, PA

In the evening we did an even larger rally at Erie High school with a mostly working class audience. The working families of Pennsylvania know what you know and what I know. We cannot maintain an economy in which the very rich get much richer while 60% of our people live paycheck to paycheck. We cannot continue to be the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all as a human right.

At Erie High School in Erie, PAAt Erie High School in Erie, PA

On Sunday, after appearing on Meet the Press, I flew to Harrisburg, PA where I spoke to almost 400 trade unionists at a standing-room-only labor rally. These workers understand that we need transformative change in this country and a government that works for all, and not just wealthy campaign contributors. At that event I contrasted Kamala's views on some of the major economic issues facing the working class with Trump's record and views.

My message was clear:

Kamala wants to give millions of low wage workers a pay raise by increasing the federal minimum wage to a living wage. Trump wants to keep the federal minimum wage at a disgraceful $7.25 an hour.

Kamala wants to see the trade union movement grow and allow workers to earn better wages through collective bargaining. She supports passing the PRO Act to end illegal corporate union busting activities and make it easier for workers to join unions. Trump promised to veto the PRO Act.

Kamala wants to expand the number of workers eligible for overtime pay. She knows that millions of workers depend on that time-and-a-half pay boost to make ends meet. Trump, on the other hand, hates the concept of overtime pay. Recently, when he spoke in Erie, he boasted that; "I know a lot about overtime. I hated to give overtime, I hated it. I'd get other people—I shouldn't say this, but I'd get other people in. I wouldn't pay." True to his word, when Donald Trump was president he gutted Obama's rules and denied overtime pay to millions of Americans.

Kamala believes that, at a time of massive income and wealth inequality, the wealthy should be paying their fair share of taxes. Trump, whose tax legislation when he was president provided 83% of the benefits to the 1% and large corporations, now wants to provide an even larger tax break to his billionaire friends.

labor rally in Harrisburg, PAAt a labor rally in Harrisburg, PA

After more campaigning in Pennsylvania on Sunday I will be on my way to Wisconsin. On Monday, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and I will hold rallies in Oshkosh and Madison.

There are 9 days left to this campaign. Let's keep fighting. Let's do everything we can to see that Trump is defeated and Kamala elected.

In solidarity,

šŸ‘‹ Before you go... šŸ‘‹

Bernie is on the campaign trail now, and will continue to travel the country campaigning for Kamala Harris and organizing around our progressive agenda in these next 9 days and beyond. Please support his efforts. Trump must be defeated. Kamala must be elected.

Now more than ever, we must bring our people together and build a government that works for ALL of us, not just those at the top. Can you make a $27 contribution — or any amount — to stand with Bernie and support this important work? Please add your contribution today.

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