Sunday, October 27, 2024

We’ve got to flip the House.

Friends, we are facing an unprecedented, historic moment for democracy.

House Republicans aren’t backing down from their efforts to roll back progress — they’re embracing a Trump agenda that is dangerous and extreme.

I’m reaching out to you today because our fight must stretch beyond Michigan and reach the entire country.

But Trump Republicans have been busy raising millions of dollars to expand their majority.

We need to outraise and out-organize them at every turn, but that takes resources. 

I hope you’ll join me in this fight, which is why I’m asking: Will you make a contribution to the DCCC today to mobilize voters, help flip the House blue, and stop the Trump agenda once and for all? With just 9 days to go before the election, we need you now more than ever.

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We know that the far-right isn’t just dead set on undermining the progress we’ve made in Michigan. They want to roll back progress in all 50 states. 

We cannot let them undo everything we’ve accomplished together.

That’s why we have to fight like hell, and why I’m so grateful you’re on this team.

So I'm asking for the last time: Can you chip in $4 to the DCCC right now?

Together, we will fight and win!

Gretchen Whitmer

Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>

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