Saturday, October 26, 2024


A message from U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn

It’s Jim Clyburn. I’ll be direct with you:

Republicans are creating chaos and empowering extremism in the People's House.

Our amazing House Democrats are working tirelessly to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of the American people, but we need support from this team to flip the House blue to protect our hard-fought progress.

That’s why I’m coming to you ahead of the DCCC's last End-of-Month Deadline before Election Day: We are exactly 11 days away from one of the most consequential elections of our lives and our friends at the DCCC are counting on us to close the budget gap and set House Democrats up for success. I’m calling on 18,528 more grassroots Democrats to join me in the fight to take back the House before it's too late. Will you rush in $4 to the DCCC?

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Let me explain.

I’ve spent my entire life fighting for equal rights for all Americans.

I’ve been thrown in jail because I believe all Americans deserve equal dignity under the law.

I’ve fought in Congress for years to bring moral clarity to our politics.

And I know that if we want to continue restoring the soul of our nation, then we need to protect and expand our House Majority.

So I’m pleading with you: Will you rush in $4 to the DCCC?

I couldn’t be more proud of our incredible House Democrats for bringing integrity back to Washington.

But this new class of extremist Republicans is devoted to reversing our progress and completely dismantling our democracy.

Can we count on you to help kick them out of office and restore our House Majority?

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Thank you,

Jim Clyburn 

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