We're 14,982 donations away from hitting our daily fundraising target. I know this because every day -- let's be real: every hour -- the fundraising team checks our reports to see the latest numbers. These are from 10 minutes ago.
Daily targets are important because they tell us if we're on track to meet our end-of-quarter goal or if we're falling behind. Right now, it's the latter.
But if everyone reading this email stepped up today, we'd hit our $1 million goal in no time. So let's give it a try. Pitch in whatever you can below:
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
I send these fundraising updates for two reasons: (1) you're a member of this team and deserve to know where we currently stand; (2) and because contributions from grassroots supporters like you literally power this campaign.
I'm grateful for all the hard work, energy, and resources that you put into our campaign. We're counting on you to help us reach our goal and I know you'll come through.
This isn't a long shot, we've done it before and we'll do it again!
— Jenn
Jenn Liu
Finance Team
Kamala 2020
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