Monday, March 25, 2019

re: our power

Team -- Here's what President Obama has to say about the fight for change:

"Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change."

We can't rest now. President Obama expects us to continue fighting for what's right.

Chip in now to answer President Obama's call to action and help Democrats flip the Senate:

Pitch in $1 IMMEDIATELY >>

Pitch in $5 IMMEDIATELY >>

Pitch in $15 IMMEDIATELY >>

Pitch in $25 IMMEDIATELY >>

Pitch in $35 IMMEDIATELY >>

Or donate another amount.

President Obama never let cynicism win out over hope. He rallied us all together around a positive vision for America. And together we made our country stronger.

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans adhere to a very different philosophy. They're sabotaging Obamacare, slashing rules that protect our environment, and packing our courts with ultra-conservative judges like Brett Kavanaugh.

Once again our country demands that we raise our voices together. We only need to flip four seats to take back the Senate majority.

Can President Obama count on you to chip in $1 to help Democrats continue what he started?




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