Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Give our Democrats the chance they deserve to compete and WIN.

I need to pull back the curtain and explain where things stand right now:

There are 30 Red-to-Blue seats that Democrats are poised to win in November.

Let me be clear:

– These 30 districts will decide the fate of our majority.
– If we win just FOUR of them, we flip the House -- it’s that simple.
– Unfortunately, extreme MAGA Republicans have raised $173 MILLION to stop us.

We urgently need more funds to give our Democrats the chance they deserve to compete and WIN.

Polls show this election is our historic chance to take back the House and hand extreme MAGA Republicans a humiliating defeat. We first must combat the special interest cash flooding battleground races. I’m asking 62,671 supporters to step up with $3 to close this fundraising gap. Please, will you chip in $3 to the DCCC before midnight to help build an unbeatable Democratic movement, reach the voters we need to win and turn out every last Democrat in this important election? >>
DONOR RECORD: #4303907

We have two choices.

1 – We can either sit on the sidelines and let extreme MAGA Republicans try to buy this election…

2 — Or we can continue building a powerhouse Democratic operation, flip every battleground seat and ensure Democrats have the resources we need to retake the majority.

Please: This is the most important election we’ve ever faced. Can I count on you to be one of the 62,671 to chip in $3 to support the DCCC, close the budget gap and win back our Democratic majority? If everyone reading this email steps up, Democrats will have the resources we need to rush funds to the frontlines, strengthen operations to win every battleground district and RETAKE our majority. >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $1 immediately >>
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Or chip in another amount >>

Keep the faith,


Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>

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