Monday, September 30, 2024

Will you join us THIS Thursday to call voters about electing Harris-Walz?

With early voting underway, voters are already making their voices heard. With early voting underway, voters are already making their voices heard.

With only 35 days until Election Day and early voting already underway, now is the time to make sure voters know exactly what's at stake this November.

Dear MoveOn member,

According to a NBC News poll, half of registered voters plan to vote early in this election.1 With early voting underway, voters are already making their voices heard on what direction our democracy will go in November. Over the next couple of weeks, more crucial battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina, will kick off early voting. Now's the time to rally behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz and make sure these voters show their support early and lock in their votes!

MoveOn is hosting multiple phone banks every week to contact key voters in battleground states who need our outreach to turn out this November. These voters likely already support Vice President Harris but may need an extra nudge to get motivated to vote this election. Your conversations with these voters could swing the election outcome to win a Harris-Walz presidency and other down-ballot victories! 

Will you join MoveOn's virtual phone bank this Thursday at 6 p.m. ET (5 CT/4 MT/3 PT) to call voters across the country? Our staff will walk you through a short training and will be available to support you the whole way through. We'll also be making calls this Saturday at 2 p.m. ET (1 CT/12 MT/11 PT)!

This November is a pivotal moment for our democracy, and we must fight with everything we can to shape our future. Every call you make to an undecided voter can inspire someone else to take action and fight for the issues that matter, including bodily autonomy, climate justice, and economic equality for all. Trump's policies and agenda have sown division and undermined our democracy, but through personal conversations with voters, we can counter his dangerous narratives and ensure voters know that Vice President Harris has a plan for our future (not just a "concept of a plan"!).

Whether you're a pro dialer or a first-timer at our phone banks, you'll see firsthand the impact our conversations can have in motivating key voters. Instead of doomscrolling or fretting about the latest headlines (we know, we've been there too), we have the opportunity to take our future into our own hands by making sure everyone's voices are heard at the polls this November. Can we count on you to make sure Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz have the support they need to win?

Trump's divisive rhetoric and Project 2025 agenda have no place in our future. But in order to defeat him, we need to show up and make sure every voter has the facts about what's at stake this November. With early voting already underway, voters are making their choices right now on which future our country will have. Together, we can make sure Vice President Harris has the early momentum and support she needs to defeat Trump and build a future in which everyone can thrive.

RSVP now to join Thursday and/or Saturday's phone bank! Be part of the critical fight to protect our progress and freedoms.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mia, Emma, Durrel, Ugbaad, and the rest of the team 

P.S. Can't join us this week? You can check out all of our upcoming phone banks from now through Election Day here!


1. "Half of voters plan to cast ballots early, with a huge partisan split," NBC News, September 24, 2024

Want to support MoveOn? The MAGA right is declaring war, and Project 2025 is their battle plan. Project 2025 threatens our rights, attacks communities of color, hurts middle- and working-class families, and undermines our democracy. But we will not back down or let Trump steamroll our nation.

Will you start a monthly donation to power and sustain MoveOn's election plan, stop Trump, and ensure Project 2025 is never enacted?

Yes, I'll chip in $5 a month.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on September 30, 2024. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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