Friday, December 23, 2011

The Homecoming, games, laughter and then... the miracle

Home now for two weeks Annie seems very comfortable with us. Our latest concern was that she will be overwhelmed when her four siblings arrived home at various times over the next.
Daniel came back from college for her first weekend home then returned to school for finals. When he came home last week Annie was not running to him but didn't seem afraid either. 
Meaghan arrived Wed. afternoon. To our surprise Annie seemed to take to her easier than we have seen her engage with anyone. She almost went on an outing to Target but balked at the last moment when she realized Mama wasn't going. She did allow Meaghan to dress her, feed her and do her hair. This was real progress.

Thursday morning we stopped at the High School. Ms Zang, the mandarin teacher, who has been so helpful was very excited to meet Annie. It did not appear to be mutual. Annie would not speak and clung to me. I had expected her to be excited to hear her language spoken again and to be able to communicate verbally. No reaction. Her demeanor was similar to her reaction when returning to the orphanage.
Conversely,when we stopped into the Main Office, Catherine Hepler, building principal, gave Annie a large pink polka a dot bag containing a lovely Asian doll. Annie said thank you...and tore it open, changing the doll's clothing and kissing the new toy. She insisted on lugging the bag, which with the handles in the crook of her arm still hit the floor, all by herself. Refusing any assistance the bag was dragged over the curb, though the parking lot to the car.
After a nap Ms Kelly Zang came to our home to pick up a new recordable book and to kindly bring Annie a gift along with a new music CD. Annie loves the almost worn out book "Good Night Moon" recorded by Kelly. Again, Annie would not engage, speak nor react to her.

An hour later Timmy and Teddy arrived together.  We had been talking of everyone's arrival in hopes of giving Annie some preparation. Knowing they were minutes away we took Annie to the window to wait. As the car came down the street she began yelling: "Hi, Hi, Hi!" 
We all ran to the door instructing Annie to: say Hi to Timmy, can you say Teddy, give them high five, look Teddy has a doll for you, etc. Finally coming to our senses I picked her up saying this is exactly what we should not be doing to her.

We all went to the kitchen where dinner was close to being done. Within 15 minutes Annie was slowly engaging. Timmy said I am going upstairs want to come with me...and she went. Prior to this she would not go upstairs with anyone except Mama.
Daniel sat down on Annie's red Little Tykes rocking airplane ( story about that later) We fully expected her to come running to protect her territory. To our surprise she thought having a copilot was the best idea ever. She jumped on Daniel back and off they flew into the wide blue yonder happily. Another first.
As we moved to the living room Daniel handed her his car key fob. Annie pointed it to the light and pressed the button. Magically (through the power of Daniel) the lights went on and off with each time she pointed and pressed. She laughed out loud!  Tim told her to point it towards Teddy. She did and Teddy responded as if he was hit by a taser gun. She squealed and laughed so hard we thought she was going to fall over. The epileptic acting Teddy repeated his role with each prompt. Seven people were entertained and were the entertainment surrounding one 3 year old little girl. It was instant love by all. As Teddy fell towards Annie she would run into Daniel's lap which she had never done before. Even with Mama and Baba in the room she was playing, teasing and jumping from brother to brother with an occasional Molly and Meaghan thrown in. Never had we seen her so comfortable and playful with anyone but us. We just couldn't believe our eyes. The smiles, laughter and fun was ringing though out the whole house.
 All eight of us sat down to dinner. As we held hands to say Grace, Annie was in between Teddy and Mama. With a huge smile, she looked from person to person sitting around the table. I swear her eyes were saying: " Yes, we are now complete, we are now all home, this is where I belong, where I was meant to be!"
What a Christmas this will be!

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