Sunday, December 4, 2011

1 week anniversary

Today Annie has been in our arms for 1 week. It feels so natural to have her with us that it seems like she has always been here.
On Saturday when we went for the visa photo, which was strangely inside a retail shop, Annie wanted this little toy. Of course she got it
along with her Burberry red trench coat. (see photos from medical visit) The coat actually has a Burberry London label as well as the famous plaid lining and trim.
Since it cost $20.00 I am thinking fake but it served the purpose of keeping her warm since her parents misjudged the temperature for the day.
The toy is called a  Bo Lanz Gu. Better known to most of us as the hand held little drum that Mr. Miyagi used in the original Karate Kid movies.
Annie held it in her one hand and flipped it back and forth to hear the little beads bang the drum.
Tim reached down to her saying: "let me show you how to work this." He put the toy between the palms of his two hands spinning it fast just as Mr Miyagi did in the movie's climatic final scene.
My heart sank. I immediately felt I needed to protect Annie by saying, Tim she can't do that she only has one hand. I had the rare good sense not to say a word.
Not five minutes later, toy in hand, Annie figured out how to exactly mimic the movement and sound Tim showed her. Annie demonstrated, in the words of Grandpa Dick,"there is no such word as can't."
What she can do is: open child proof bottles of medicine, tiny cosmetic jars of Clinque face cream, tooth paste, cut her own food using a real knife (until taken away by her parents) completely dress and undress herself including shoes and socks, rip up paper into tiny pieces, fold her napkin repeatedly when eating so no messy side is showing, skillfully pour water from her cup into a small jar...over and over using a towel to clean up any small spills, unzipping and zipping, washing her own hands as if she were about to perform surgery.
Today, while sitting on my lap to the Safari Park, she took the hair tie out of her hair and made a pony tail on top of my head... unaided.
One week ago Special Needs is the label that brought her to us but she has repeatedly shown that she was clearly misdiagnosed.
Happy One week Anniversary Annie Kate!

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