Monday, December 5, 2011

3 year old delight

The truth is: we are all bored to death over here by now and can't wait to get home.
After passing the TB test, shopping, lunch then naps we were looking at the same surroundings and schedule as each previous day. As you may know, Tim, Captain of the Safety Patrol, is not very adventurous while in a foreign country. Since our agency did not know there were two Westin Hotels we are in a very isolated area. So we eat at the same restaurant each night.
The good news is we have our very own 3 year old entertainment system called the  "Annie 2011" It comes with no warning labels, no controllers, no volume buttons and no on/off switch.
In today's version, Annie discovered the hand held sprayer on the tub. As the water soaked her and shot across the room she laughed as if she had just discovered "gold in them there hills!"
So we stripped her wet clothes off, laid two towels on the floor, gave her three plastic cups of water and she played for an hour.
Our shopping trip yielded packages of barrettes for like .10 a pack. Annie needed to not only open them all but to also put them all in her hair at the same time...herself.
Who knew that a game of who, can grab the nail file off the bed first, with big sister Molly would be hysterical for a 3 year old and delightful entertainment for her parents. ( told you we're bored)
Dinner was and has been getting more and more interesting. Annie is... in- de- pend- ent, as Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer says!
She has discovered spreads and dips as in jelly, butter, egg yolk, ketchup. All must be done by herself with the plastic knife the wait staff brings her at each meal. Other wise she would be wheeling an adult size real utensil.
The problem is she wants the whole tab of butter, the whole mini jar of jelly and the entire bottle of ketchup. Tonight when we took the butter dish away she threw the piece of bread, then the knife and elbowed the plate to the floor . We pushed her high chair away from the table for survival and financial reasons.
She pouted then skooched her way back to the table as if she were sliding on ice. Who put what seems like ball bearings on a high chair? I swear she could have self propelled herself to Hong Kong in that thing!
We are working on manners! When we tell her: "say please" she will repeat: "say peas"
For years I have gotten a bad rap for teaching kids to blow the paper off straws but Tim wins in the teaching bad table manners category.
Annie's favorite food is noodles. Picture the Italian restaurant scene from Disney's Lady and the Tramp. Tim and Annie's mouths connected by a single long noodle...over and over again.
Is it Thursday yet?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are all making excellent use of your time! Too Funny!!


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