Saturday, June 22, 2024

We’re looking for 150 donors to give, Pamela

We need a strong response to this email to power our fight 
Help reach our end of month goal. Give now.

Pamela, as the end of June approaches, we're looking closely at our fundraising numbers for the month. We're so close to hitting our goal — we just need a strong response to this email. Chip in now and become one of the 150 donors we need to give today.

The 2024 elections are around the corner, and GOP extremists are busy making every possible effort to maintain and gain control of any governing body they can, regardless of the will of the people.

Just last month, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed several MAGA-led pieces of legislation into law — including SB 189, which was crafted to disenfranchise thousands of voters. When we see blatant efforts to block voters' voices, we speak out. And as we inch closer to November, we're committed to advocating against extremist attempts to silence our voices and subvert our will.

This is your moment to make a gift to power this pro-voter movement and be one of the 150 donors who helps us cross the finish line.

Ensuring free and fair elections can't wait.

The Fair Fight Team



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