Sunday, June 30, 2024

2X Match Offer: Expires at midnight

Give now before tonight's deadline 
Offer expires 6/30/2024


This is your last chance to rush a matched donation to Fair Fight before our match offer ends at midnight.

Tomorrow, July 1, provisions of SB 189 go into effect.

Because of this new law, we expect to see more mass voter purges, more unnecessary barriers created to keep voters from reaching the ballot box, more overburdening of election staff, and more power for election deniers.

Anti-voter legislation has no place in Georgia, or anywhere else.

With grassroots support from folks like you, we've made major strides in protecting the freedom to vote and working to lessen the impacts of dangerous anti-voter legislation like SB 189 this year. By giving today, your donation will go TWICE as far towards supporting our pro-voter and pro-democracy efforts. Will you rush a matched donation right away?


We're in this together — thank you

Team Fair Fight



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