Friday, June 28, 2024

A quick Fair Fight update on our June goal

Gifts matched until June 30, give now 


Fair Fight's work to protect voting rights takes a great amount of grassroots support, and I know the team is grateful to see donations flooding in from all across the country.

We're two days away from the end-of-quarter deadline, and reaching our fundraising goal will help expand pro-democracy programs and equip more voters with the information they need to make their voices heard.

In addition, you should also know that a generous donor is standing by to match grassroots gifts Fair Fight receives by Sunday, June 30. Your gift will be DOUBLED if you chip in right now >>

A graphic showing your giving record

Fair Fight's efforts to protect access to the ballot box aren't just vital on Election Day. They fight back wherever and whenever attempts at voter suppression take place, in Georgia and beyond. Your gift will double in impact to support year-round organizing, advocacy and education efforts — we can't lose momentum now.

With this movement's ongoing dedication, democracy for all is something we can achieve.

Thank you for your support.

Stacey Abrams




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