Monday, June 24, 2024

This is our fight, Pamela — glad you’re with us

Fair Fight is gearing up for a critical election year 

Pamela, this is an exciting moment for Fair Fight.

Earlier this month, Fair Fight announced their updated volunteer recruitment program — they're cutting through the noise and letting extremists know that this democracy is ours. This new chapter in Fair Fight's work will kick off a summer of organizing and educating voters about their rights, and all of this is critical as we look toward November.

Across the country, we're seeing systematic attempts by Republicans to marginalize voters of color and entrench their political power: 

  • The Supreme Court upheld a racially gerrymandered congressional map that diluted  the voices of voters of color
  • Last month here in Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp returned to his voter-suppression roots with the signing of SB189: an escalation of his consistent assault on voting rights. This legislation will go into effect July 1 and is expected to disenfranchise Black and brown voters, seniors and Georgia's unhoused population.

We also expect to see a rise in mass voter purges over the coming months as extremists wield false claims and misinformation to try to stop us from heading to the ballot box. But we must continue to fight.

Fair Fight knows it will take a full-scale organizing effort to push back against anti-voter attacks and ensure free and fair elections — that's why you're a part of our movement, and I couldn't be more grateful.

Our democracy depends on ensuring every voice is heard, and every vote counts. We can't allow these manipulative, corrosive tactics to go unchallenged. We will meet them in the courts and at the polls.

When we have the freedom to take our seat at the table and our place at the ballot box, we can elect leaders who govern in our interests, ensure every voice is heard and make the promise of democracy real for us all. 

This is our fight — thank you for showing up.

Stacey Abrams



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