Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pamela, we need to hold anti-voting extremists accountable

Your gift helps our team fight back 

Pamela, a voter suppression emergency is unfolding in communities across the country. As we get closer to November, we need to be prepared.

MAGA Republicans are turning up the heat with new laws targeting Black and brown voters, young people, and the unhoused. We're seeing a nationally coordinated effort by anti-voter vigilantes to keep ballot access as far out of reach as possible.

But we're fighting back. We launched our new voter recruitment campaign, Let's Freaking Go (Volunteer), and we're organizing to make sure we win big in November. We, the people, refused to let MAGA Republicans silence us and take away our freedoms in 2020 — now we're holding them accountable through the courts, and soon on the ballot.

A pro-voter donor is matching gifts until June 30. This match offer is a major opportunity to double your support for the work to make elections free and fair for all.

In just five days, SB 189 will go into effect here in Georgia. This bill is expected to disenfranchise thousands of voters during a critical election year — something Governor Brian Kemp knew when he signed it into law in May. 

As we face increasing attacks on our democracy and our most basic freedoms, we must continue the fight to ensure that voters everywhere are protected.

Your support today will make a big difference — so please, chip in a gift of $25 that will be matched.

I'm so grateful to have you on Team Fair Fight.

Lauren Groh-Wargo
Fair Fight CEO




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