Thursday, June 27, 2024

[2X MATCH] Before the debate, read this email

MAGA loyalists want to silence our voices 

Until 6/30, your gift will be DOUBLED!

Pamela, the first presidential debate of this cycle is taking place tonight — right here in Atlanta.

This is a big deal because Georgia is a battleground state this election year. 

We also haven't forgotten that, in 2020 when Trump lost here, he got on the phone with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — who's in charge of administering Georgia's elections — and asked him to "find" 11,780 votes to overturn the election results. 

Pamela, we need to send a loud and clear message that election intimidation has no place in Georgia or anywhere across the country. You can amplify your voice right now while gifts are being matched (thanks to a generous donor) — donate now to protect the right to vote.

We've been sounding the alarm on mass voter purges and how they can target people of color and young voters. MAGA loyalists are using this tactic to kick people off the rolls and silence our voices, but we're educating voters about their rights and taking bad actors to court.

It will take a full-scale organizing effort to push back against future anti-voter attacks and ensure free and fair elections, and we need your help to make it possible.

Your impact will be DOUBLED when you give today.

Thank you for being a part of this grassroots movement.

Team Fair Fight 

P.S.: Fair Fight founder Stacey Abrams will host a virtual townhall recapping the debate tomorrow, starting at 3:30 EST. She'll be answering questions from our community, so make sure you register today here!




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