Friday, June 14, 2024

LFG! Announcing our new recruitment campaign

MAGA is organized and innovating like never before. This is our answer. 

Pamela, our democracy is under attack from all sides. 

From new laws targeting the voting rights of vulnerable populations, to widespread disinformation campaigns and an organized MAGA operation that's coming after our basic freedoms, the threats are real and immediate. 

We're excited to announce our new volunteer recruitment campaign to boost voter turnout, protect voting rights, and save our basic freedoms: LFG (Volunteer). This program will support voters and protect our democratic process from election deniers and conspiracy theorists trying to tear our country apart. LFG (Volunteer) will engage voters across the country, especially voters in top battleground states, as we move closer to Election Day.

With the stakes higher than ever, we need your help to ensure fair and free elections in 2024 — will you split a donation of $20 or anything you can between Fair Fight and Vote Save America to support our people-powered movement?

Cut the noise. This democracy is ours.

Since historic voter turnout in 2020, far-right election deniers and conspiracy theorists have continued to spread disinformation about our voting system and falsely dispute the votes cast in the 2020 Election — an election that has been repeatedly proven to be legitimate. This is why we're launching LFG (Volunteer) in partnership with Vote Save America, to connect volunteers with opportunities to serve as poll workers, and support candidates up and down the ballot by knocking on doors and making calls.

MAGA is organized and innovating like never before, Pamela. They have plans to continue rolling back the rights of millions of Americans if they win big in 2024, and they're using sophisticated tactics to suppress votes — particularly those of Black and brown, young, disabled, unhoused, and rural voters. 

LFG (Volunteer) was designed to combat these attacks, and help empower our movement at a critical time. 

We know how to organize and win. We have proven that with historic turnout election after election, despite monumental efforts to suppress the freedom to vote. But we cannot do it without you. Will you split a donation right now to support Fair Fight and Vote Save America's work to protect voting rights?

We can all do our part to save our democracy.

Fair Fight


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