Monday, June 10, 2024

Intimidating voters? Fair Fight won’t stand for it

Protect the freedom to vote — give today 

Pamela, we can't let this continue: 

Republican extremists are using mass challenges to scare voters and suppress our voices — and we need to keep calling out their bad behavior.

Here's how mass challenges work: 

  • Someone claims that a voter in their county isn't properly registered, submitting what's referred to as a "challenge" to their county board of elections.
  • When that challenge process is set in motion, the person whose eligibility and qualifications are challenged must jump through hoops to stay on the list of registered voters. 
  • The overwhelming majority of challenges have been dismissed due to faulty evidence, but the point is to suppress the vote by creating unnecessary burdens for eligible voters and county officials.

The Fair Fight team has been spreading the word here in Georgia about mass challenges and working to hold bad actors accountable for years now, but their suppressive tactics are gaining speed in other states like Michigan, Texas, and Pennsylvania. Right wing groups are even promoting their challenge tactics, raising money to organize off the concept. It's a coordinated grassroots effort to purge the nation's voter rolls ahead of the 2024 elections.

Your gift of $25 today can help Fair Fight combat voter suppression and ensure access to the ballot box.

The use of mass voter challenges to intimidate voters is a historic Georgia tradition going back to Reconstruction and carrying through to Jim Crow. In the aftermath of historic turnout in the 2020 election, right wing groups are doubling down on their efforts to intimidate voters and keep them from the polls. 

And don't forget: in 2021, Georgia Republicans passed a law making it easier for private citizens to challenge the eligibility and qualifications of an unlimited number of voters within their county.

Pamela, this is why our work is so important and why we won't stop pushing back. Our pro-voter movement simply wouldn't be here without you — chip in today to support this work.

Thank you for all that you do, 

Carol Anderson, Fair Fight


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