Thursday, June 13, 2024

If we can win these three states, we can win the election

In short, MoveOn has made the decision to invest heavily to support ballot measures that would enshrine abortion rights into law in three key states: Arizona, Nevada, and Florida.

Dear MoveOn member,

This entire election could all come down to one issue: abortion. And this week MoveOn announced our plans to help win this fight.

In short, MoveOn has made the decision to invest heavily to support ballot measures that would enshrine abortion rights into law in three key states: Arizona, Nevada, and Florida.

Our goals for this work are two-fold:

  1. Restore and protect access to abortion for millions of people across these states whose lives and futures have been put at risk by cruel, draconian abortion bans.
  2. Use these ballot initiatives to increase turnout and turn these states blue by reminding voters not only that Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are behind these bans and the overturn of Roe, and that they will go even further—from federal abortion bans, to outlawing abortion medication, and limiting access to birth control—if they are in power again. The state-by-state nightmare will become a national nightmare.

The importance of these ballot measures cannot be overstated.

Andra, if we can win Arizona, Florida, and Nevada, President Biden could lose all of the other swing states and would still win the election.

Which is why we are asking if you can start a monthly $5 donation to help power our work in these states. Please give generously—every single dollar matters.

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Our decision to focus on these three states was not made lightly. Our teams did intensive analysis of polling and voter data to ensure that our work would have the most impact.

In polls done this month by Fox News (yes, Fox News), Florida's ballot measure leads by an enormous 69-27% margin.1 Similarly, in Arizona the measure leads 70-27 and in Nevada 73-22.2

Our task now is to ensure that those numbers turn into actual votes at the ballot box. And we're pulling out all the stops to make that happen.

MoveOn members in these states will be running phone banks and sending postcards to a targeted list of surge voters who our data shows will make the most impact if they cast their ballots. And we will be pounding the pavement, talking to thousands of voters face-to-face, which research shows is one of the most effective ways to increase turnout.

On top of that, MoveOn is adding our special sauce of digital campaigning to supercharge voter outreach and persuasion. We're recruiting MoveOn members to create personal videos explaining why voting to protect abortion is so important to them, which we will then turn into ads that are micro-targeted at the specific voters that our research shows will be most persuaded by them. We ran a similar program using targeted personal videos during the 2018 election and analysis done after showed that our work turned out hundreds of thousands of voters who would have otherwise stayed home.

This is the type of good old-fashioned shoe leather campaigning that wins elections, especially when it is backed by a grassroots, people-powered movement.

But we know that even though these ballot measures have overwhelming support, Republicans are going to try every dirty trick in the book to lie to voters, dissuade them from voting, and manipulate the system to maintain their power. Which is why we have to do absolutely everything we can to fight back.

Your support is key. Please don't wait. Will you start a $5 monthly donation today?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Andra, this month will mark two years since the MAGA extremist-controlled Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ripped the right to bodily autonomy away from tens of millions of us.

Since then, we have seen the terrifying reality of pregnant people nearly bleeding out in bathrooms and parking lots after being denied lifesaving abortions, thirteen-year-old children being forced to give birth, increased rates of domestic violence, and an uptick in maternal mortality as doctors flee states with abortion bans, leaving pregnant people with even less access to care.3,4,5,6,7

This is the future that Republican politicians want, and they don't care how many people have to suffer and die to achieve it.

An overwhelming majority of Americans don't agree with them, and now it is our job to turn that disagreement into action and defeat them once and for all.

We know how to do it. We just need your help to get it done. Please start a $5 monthly donation today.

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks for all you do.

–Alexis, Amy, Corinne, Kelsey, and the rest of the team


1. "Abortion Rights Look Set to Sweep Again on November Ballot," New York, June 12, 2024

2. Ibid.

3. "In Oklahoma, a woman was told to wait until she's 'crashing' for abortion care," NPR, April 25, 2023

4. "Two friends were denied care after Florida banned abortion. One almost died." The Washington Post, April 10, 2023

5. "13-year-old rape victim has baby amid confusion over state's abortion ban," ABC News, March 22, 2024

6. "Abortion restrictions tied to higher rates of intimate partner homicide, says study," The Guardian, May 7, 2024

7. "Study finds higher maternal mortality rates in states with more abortion restrictions," Tulane University, September 2021

Want to support MoveOn's work? The MAGA movement's book bans have forced teachers and librarians across the country to remove books from their shelves and censor what young people can learn. MoveOn is fighting back, including by filling a "Banned Bookmobile" with books that the far right has banned and driving it to key cities and towns to raise the visibility of book bans, hand out banned books for free, and bring people together to stop censorship. To keep up the fight against book bans and the MAGA politicians who support them, we need your help.

Will you start a monthly gift to power and sustain MoveOn's critical work? 

Yes, I'll chip in $5 a month.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, 9450 SW Gemini Drive, #57224, Beaverton, OR 97008, Independently of and not authorized or approved by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on June 13, 2024. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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