Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Do we have to email every day?

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Cynthia -

From time-to-time, I get asked, "Elissa, do you have to send these fundraising emails every single day? It gets to be pretty overwhelming."

Let me start by saying... I get it. 100%. I open my inbox and am getting emails from campaigns I care about, ones I've never heard of, and everything in between. My inbox is a mess.

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. We do have to send these emails this often. Let me pull back the curtain on why that is:

First, like any good campaign, we start with a goal. We think we know how much we need to raise, and spend, and by when, in order to win this race. We have a fairly good handle on that.

Then we have to raise that money by the time we need it in-hand. Standard practice for any campaign, any business, or any family that has a budget.

Then we need to figure out where that money comes from. Some of it comes from me calling donors and asking for contributions. Some from events. Some of it comes in without me even asking. And a very large bucket is emails like this one.

Now, if I could send one email and reach our email goal, believe me I would do that. No doubt. But the truth is, that's far from the case.

At this point in the campaign, because of past response rates, we know how many emails we have to send in order to raise what we need to meet our goals. That's how many emails we'll send: no more, no less.

And then when someone donates, they are removed from fundraising solicitations for a period of time.

I am hoping today will be a day you choose to give. To help us reach our goals before this FEC deadline ends. What do you say?

Can you use this link to contribute $3 to my campaign for Senate in Michigan? We need your help to reach our very real fundraising goals before our FEC deadline ends. If you do, we'll remove you from fundraising solicitations for a period of time.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you,




P.O. Box 4145
East Lansing, MI 48826

This email was sent to kmyers209.shamrock5@blogger.com. Email is a very important way we communicate with supporters like you, but if you want to, you can unsubscribe here.

Sign up here to receive fewer emails.

Elissa Slotkin served in the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. Use of her job titles and photographs during service do not imply endorsement by the Central Intelligence Agency OR the Department of Defense.

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