Dear MoveOn member,
The leaked Supreme Court majority draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade shows that right-wing Supreme Court justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas (whose wife played an active role in the January 6 insurrection), Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett misled Senators under oath in their confirmation hearings when asked whether they would overturn Roe v. Wade.1 It's horrifying.
But Andra, the Supreme Court's abortion decision isn't final. We have to protect abortion rights for all, and there's still time for us to come together and act.
Sign the petition to tell the Supreme Court: The world is watching. Don't overturn Roe v. Wade!
I'm Heidi Miller, the Development Manager with The Yellowhammer Fund in Alabama, which helps Southerners access abortion care. As extreme bills continue making their way through state legislatures, it's vital that we send a clear message to Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and the other members of the Supreme Court of the United States that we will not tolerate these attacks on our protected human rights. Alabama's Republican-controlled legislature passed an extreme anti-abortion bill in 2019 that gives the state control over pregnant people's bodies and increases the already tremendous barriers that people seeking abortion care in Alabama face in accessing their procedures. Access was already a problem in Alabama, which is why the Yellowhammer Fund exists.2
The government's control and politicization of our bodies is unacceptable. Families in Alabama, Florida, and Ohio and communities across the nation are under attack as part of a publicly stated, coordinated effort to have the Supreme Court overturn its own legal precedent set by Roe v. Wade.
Join more than 208,000 fellow MoveOn members by signing this urgent petition now!
An attack against Roe is government intervention against our most basic human rights, and it won't stop there. Some members of the Supreme Court are already signaling a willingness to overturn legal precedent on other cases including marriage equality for the LGBTQ+ community.3
People espousing "pro-life" politics frequently talk about how much they love pregnant people and babies. However, their political agenda does not extend to ensuring that pregnancy and birth are safe for pregnant people or that parents, children, and families can access the health care they need to live healthy lives. In Alabama, for example, this means that a large number of pregnant people are going without the prenatal, birth, and postnatal care needed to ensure healthy pregnancies and birth outcomes. Maternal and infant mortality rates are high.4
With gratitude,
Heidi Miller
Development Manager, Yellowhammer Fund
1. "Gillibrand: Some Supreme Court justices 'lied' about Roe v. Wade during confirmation hearings," WSKG, May 6, 2022
2. "Alabama Governor Signs Abortion Ban Into Law," NPR, May 14, 2019
3. "Abortion draft opinion fallout: Could rights to same-sex marriage, contraception be next?" USA Today, May 3, 2022
4. "As in 2018, Alabama infant mortality for 2020 ties for the lowest rate in more than five decades," Alabama Public Health, December 15, 2021
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