It's going to take every single one of us.
Incredible news! Thanks to thousands of grassroots supporters, we reached our goal of raising $1,000,000 before April's end-of-month deadline!
Meeting this goal means that we are in a better position to fund our statewide advertising, organizing, and travel in the weeks ahead. We couldn't be more grateful.
It's clear that everyone on our team understands that we need to turn out a historic number of Texans if we're going to defeat Greg Abbott — not to mention overcoming his extreme, anti-democratic voter restrictions.
While it would be great to take a break from fundraising after reaching this major goal, we can't afford to slow down in a race as tight as this one.
We're just over six months away from Election Day, and it's likely that Greg Abbott's ad spending against us is about to ramp up significantly. If we slow down now, we could be ceding major ground.
Our records show you didn't have the chance to make a contribution in April. It's not too late. Make a contribution of any amount now to support Beto and ensure our momentum against Greg Abbott doesn't slow down.
Contribute $3
Thank you! This is going to be one of the closest elections in Texas history — and it's going to take every single one of us to win.
With gratitude,
Beto for Texas
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