Sign the petition to protect legal, safe, and accessible abortions as essential health care!
Dear MoveOn member,
Health care is a human right. And yet, it is under attack across the country. On Monday, news broke that the right wing-hijacked Supreme Court appears to be set on overturning Roe v. Wade, which would allow horrible abortion bans to go into effect in dozens of states across the country.1
While the justices have not finalized this ruling, it shows what direction the right-wing justices intend to go—they plan to overturn all of the protections afforded by Roe, immediately allowing state after state to enforce cruel abortion bans, and launch a full-on attack against reproductive rights. With the final Supreme Court decision expected in the next few weeks, now is the time for our elected officials at all levels, including President Biden to use all his power to act before any services are cut off.
The abortion ban laws passing in states across the country are terrifying. In Oklahoma, Republicans passed a bill that bans abortion after 6 weeks, before many people know they are pregnant, with no exceptions for rape or incest.2 This ban is particularly disastrous because it would immediately cut off most abortion access in a state that has absorbed nearly half of all Texas patients who have traveled out of state for abortions since Texas enacted a similar law last fall.3 And it's not just Oklahoma.
The recent surge of abortion bans across the country has politicized abortion as a way to increase power for the GOP and dictate what a person can and cannot do with their body.4 But the reality is, the right to an abortion shouldn't be political, because access to safe, legal abortion is access to vital health care, and we need to ensure accessible, high-quality health care to everyone in America. Will you sign the petition?
Accessible and affordable health care is already limited in our country, and losing access to vital reproductive health care is just going to put more individuals and communities in danger. These bans impact marginalized communities the most,5 and we need public health officials to step in and take action to protect and expand access to abortion and broader reproductive health now.
These right-wing Supreme Court justices are on the verge of reversing Roe. They are poised to curtail sensible gun restrictions. They are dead set on eliminating environmental regulations, consumer protections, and voting rights. And according to the leaked opinion, it's clear that after they strike down federal protections on abortion, the right-wing justices on the Supreme Court will be targeting federal protections on marriage equality for LGBTQ+ couples.6 We may very well be returning to a country that criminalizes marriage equality. And this is all by design. That's why it's more important than ever to take action to protect and expand abortion access now.
Abortion bans aren't going to decrease abortion, but they will increase unsafe abortion care.7 Access to reproductive health, including contraception, Plan B, sex education, abortion, and STD testing, is vital for the health of every person in the country. And according to the Center for American Progress, abortion restrictions lead to an increase in unsafe abortions, an uptick in maternal deaths, and delays in access to critical prenatal care.8 This is why it's so important for our public health officials to take action. If access to abortion continues to be attacked, then more and more lives will be at risk.
In 2021, the Department of Health and Human services announced new resources to protect abortion patients and providers in Texas after the tragic passing of SB8.9 Unfortunately, at the same time, other states have been inspired by Texas's limitations on abortion, and now, we're seeing that right-wing justices on the Supreme Court are poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.10 As time goes on, it's becoming more crucial that President Biden and HHS take action to prepare for the worst and protect access to safe abortion.
Thanks for all you do.
–Alexis, Allison, Justin, Sandra, and the rest of the team
1. "Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows," Politico, May 2, 2022
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This email was sent to Andra Patterson on May 4, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
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