Friday, August 9, 2019

You, me, and a strong DNC


We need a president who understands that real leadership isn't about beating people down, but lifting people up. That's what our campaign is all about: lifting people up across this country, and fighting for the best of who we are.

And when it comes to defeating Donald Trump and electing Democrats up and down the ballot in 2020, there is one thing we absolutely cannot overlook: we need to invest in building a strong Democratic party.

We have to work together to mobilize voters across the country to take back the Senate and expand our House majority nationwide.

Our eventual nominee -- no matter who they are -- will need a strong organization ready to kick in the moment the general election begins. That's why I'm asking you today:

Can you make a special donation today that will be split between my campaign and the DNC's Democratic Unity Fund?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically split between the DNC and Kamala Harris:

Each contribution will do double duty: your contributions will help power my campaign for president, and help ensure that Democrats up and down the ticket have the resources they need to win in 2019, 2020, and beyond with the backing of a strong DNC.

It may seem early to be thinking about the general election, but believe me when I say this: The work we'll need to win in 2020 is happening at the DNC right now.

We have to make investments in data, technology, and cybersecurity that keep campaigns at every level safe and give them best-in-class tools to connect with voters; a Best Practices Institute that equips our eventual nominee and other candidates with highly trained campaign staff; and a DNC War Room that holds Trump accountable for his lies.

Trump and the RNC have already raised $180 million this year. That means our programs need to be firing on all cylinders to take on Republicans' huge political machine. Anything less than that will put our nominee for president at a disadvantage.

Please, make a special donation split between my campaign and the Democratic Unity Fund today. Your contribution is a commitment to making sure Democrats at all levels have the resources they need to win:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically split between the DNC and Kamala Harris:

Together, we can have direct, tangible impacts on people's lives across this country. We can make real change. But it's going to take all of us, working together with a strong Democratic party to win.

For The People,

— Kamala Harris


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