Saturday, August 10, 2019

An explanation


In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our presidential campaign. Please let me explain why this ask is so important:

Here is the truth: we have gotten off to a rough start when it comes to fundraising this month. August is a notoriously difficult time for fundraising, and honestly, it's been worse than we expected.

So many of our opponents, especially Donald Trump, are hoping we slip up this summer. If we make a mistake and cannot sustain our momentum, it jeopardizes our chance to win.

We can't let up and give them that satisfaction, or endanger the incredible progress our grassroots team has made in this race. What we've done in past situations like this is to ask our supporters -- that's you -- to chip in whatever you can to get us back on track.

Can you make a contribution to our campaign today? It could be the difference between overcoming our August fundraising slump and powering our campaign through this primary next year. I know I can count on you.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We know that when more voters learn about our 3AM agenda and the kind of president I hope to be for the American people, the more they support our campaign in this crowded primary. The truth is, we're never going to be the best-funded team in this fight, but if we work hard and if we do it together, we can defy the odds one more time, win this nomination, and get Trump out of office.

For The People,

— Kamala Harris


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