Sunday, July 21, 2019

Official Kamala 2020 July debate survey


We wanted to check in because our records show you haven't filled out our official Kamala 2020 July debate survey.

We'll only keep this survey open for a limited amount of time before we pass along your feedback to Kamala and the rest of the team, so don't miss your chance to make your voice heard.

Take our official Kamala 2020 July debate survey right now to help Kamala with her debate preparation. It's easy and quick:

Take the survey

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

— Team Kamala

Original email from Kamala Harris, Ju‌ly 2‌0, 20‌19

Now that our team knows which night I'll take the stage for the July debate, it's time to get to work. Each debate is a new opportunity for our people-powered campaign to reach millions more undecided voters across the country -- and to contrast our message and platform with those of our opponents.

In the coming days, my team and I are set to dig in deep on debate preparation so we're ready for anything that comes our way. But before we start, I need your help:

Will you take a moment to share the top 3 issues you want to hear about during the upcoming July debate? Fill out this quick survey and add your thoughts »

Take the survey

You are the voice of our movement. That's why I reach out every so often to ask for your input and thoughts.

As the news cycle and political climate rapidly change with each passing day, I rely on hearing directly from you and supporters like you across the country to speak truth about the issues that matter most.

The upcoming July debate is an opportunity to amplify real solutions for every American -- no matter who you are or where you live. Your input matters a great deal.

Click here to fill out our brief July debate survey and let me know what's on your mind.

Thanks for all you do.

For The People,

— Kamala Harris

Take the survey


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