Saturday, September 28, 2024

We need your help

I'm Rahna Epting, MoveOn's executive director, and I feel compelled to share with you my frank and transparent assessment of MoveOn's budget situation.

Dear MoveOn member,

I'm Rahna Epting, MoveOn's executive director, and I feel compelled to share with you my frank and transparent assessment of MoveOn's budget situation.

I won't sugarcoat it: September 30 is a critical Federal Election Commission fundraising deadline, and MoveOn is facing a $753,126 budget shortfall.

It couldn't come at a worse time, as we're launching our get-out-the-vote program to reach and turn out progressive voters in battleground states and districts who do not consistently go to the polls and are at risk of not voting. If we don't close it, this budget shortfall will critically jeopardize our ability to expand our get-out-the-vote program. We may be forced to air fewer ads, host fewer events, and ultimately reach fewer voters.

As the person responsible for managing MoveOn's budget and making decisions about what campaigns we are able to fund, I feel an obligation to be honest and forthright with MoveOn members like you.

I do not mean to alarm you, but I need to be honest with you: With so few days left until the election, we need to do everything we can to bolster our fundraising through the final stretch.

Please, if you are able, will you chip in $9 to help ensure we have the resources we need so that I can approve all of the big plans on deck, put MoveOn in the best position to fight back against MAGA, and win in November?

Here's the good news: MoveOn has never needed to match Republican spending dollar for dollar. Our expertise is in creating innovative strategies that are more effective for less money and using our grassroots supporters (that's you!) to implement them at scale.

For example, in 2020 we built out a friend-to-friend voter turnout strategy that studies have shown was as much as five times more effective than traditional strategies like phone-banking and door-to-door canvassing.

We refined that approach—called vote tripling—in 2022, turning out more than 50,000 voters who would have otherwise not cast ballots. And this year, we are launching a huge in-person vote tripling campaign that specifically targets "surge voters"—voters who often skip elections but support Democratic candidates when they do vote.

With the election in a statistical dead heat, a minuscule number of votes in a small number of battleground states will make the difference in this election. Which means MoveOn's vote tripling program could make or break the outcome.

I simply can't stand the idea that our inability to fund our election program to the fullest extent possible could contribute to Donald Trump's victory and MAGA control of Congress.

Please, I am asking you to contribute $9—or whatever you can—today to close our budget shortfall. This is urgent.

At many other political organizations, the executive director spends most of their time wining and dining the billionaires and corporate donors that bankroll them.

But not at MoveOn. I don't answer to corporate bosses, and billionaires don't call the shots around here. MoveOn is powered by thousands of small-dollar grassroots donations from members like you across the country.

And now, we need you more than ever.

Will you donate $9 today to help ensure we have the budget necessary to defeat Trump and win control of Congress?

Thanks for all you do.

–Rahna Epting

Want to support MoveOn? The MAGA right is declaring war, and Project 2025 is their battle plan. Project 2025 threatens our rights, attacks communities of color, hurts middle- and working-class families, and undermines our democracy. But we will not back down or let Trump steamroll our nation.

Will you donate to power MoveOn's election plan, stop Trump, and ensure Project 2025 is never enacted? 

Yes, I'll chip in.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on September 28, 2024. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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