Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Republican schemes BACKFIRE:

Please stop what you're doing and read this:

A Republican Super PAC just reserved another $16 MILLION in ads to bury our Democrats in cash and rescue Trump's MAGA House Majority!!

We hate to panic, but this is the kind of cash that could buy Trump's extremists another term in power. It makes us sick just thinking about it.

So we just launched a plan to make their schemes completely BACKFIRE.

Here's the plan: If 94,560 Democrats step up with $3 right away, we could rush resources to our most vulnerable Democrats and neutralize these MAGA attacks before they reach voters. With just 62 days left, we can't waste even a SECOND responding to the far-right extremists trying to buy this election. Please: Can you chip in $3 to the DCCC right now?
Suggested Support: $3

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We won't mince words: This MASSIVE MAGA ad buy could completely CRUSH Democratic momentum, totally PUMMEL our candidates in must-win districts, and deliver Donald Trump the unhinged, dangerous MAGA Majority he's always wanted.

We can't stop deep-pocket MAGA donors from spending hundreds of millions of dollars to defeat us -- but we do get to decide how House Democrats can respond.

If 94,560 committed Democrats chip in $3 to the DCCC before midnight tonight, we could rush resources to at-risk Democratic campaigns and defend them against these attacks. With so little time remaining, we need you to decide: Will you step up and help get House Democrats the resources they need?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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Thank you,


Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>

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