Friday, September 20, 2024

Help Fair Fight call out the GA State Election Board

Your donation today fuels our work to protect the right to vote 

Pamela, Georgia's State Election Board is meeting today to pass even more changes to our election rules — brought on by pro-Trump Election Board members.

These changes, like giving Georgia local election officials the power to veto Georgians' votes by delaying or refusing to certify election results based on unsubstantiated beliefs, could impact the results of the upcoming election and prevent voters from being heard.

At the board's meeting today, they're considering changing election rules in ways that seem meant to create a fail point in our system. One rule change being considered, put forward by a MAGA election denier, adds unnecessary burdens on our election process, increases the potential for disruption, and increases workloads on overworked poll workers. It's unprecedented to change how elections are run so close to the election — with just days until the start of early voting.

So we're going BIG with our mobilization efforts: we're gathering outside the Georgia State Capitol to protest ramping up our voter contact and making sure our ad gets in front of as many Georgians as possible, so voters are aware that their right to vote is under attack.

We won't let these bad actors change the way elections are run in Georgia without an uproar. We are fighting back, working to ensure equal voting access for all. But we can't do it alone — your donation today helps us fight back against voter suppression.

The actions of these pro-Trump members are illegal, which is why we're working overtime to alert voters about threats to fair elections and educate, engage, and turn out the voters we need to defeat anti-voter politicians at the ballot box.

Trump and his election denier allies wouldn't be working so hard to stop us from voting if our voices didn't matter. They know when we come together, our power at the ballot box can't be beat.

We need voters across the country to get involved and spread the word to help us protect access to the ballot box. Will you make a gift of $30 or more to power our fight?

We're in this fight together.  

Fair Fight


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