Monday, August 22, 2022

Take action from home to support Democrats!

Will you write a letter to the editor thanking Dems for the Inflation Reduction Act's swift passage? Tell your community: the Inflation Reduction Act is life-changing, and not one Republican supported it.

Dear MoveOn member,

President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law last week, thanks to the advocacy of progressive activists (like you!) and unanimous support from Democrats. This historic legislation lowers the cost of prescription drugs, makes big corporations pay their fair share in taxes, and will be the largest investment in green energy in history.1 Now, Republicans are trying to bury this victory—which makes sense, since every single one of them voted against it. But many Democrats are facing tough races this November, and it's crucial that voters know who supported this landmark bill—and who opposed it—when they cast their ballots.

Will you spread the word about this important victory by submitting a letter to the editor on how clean energy, lowering Rx prices, and holding corporate freeloaders accountable is important to you and your community?

Your voice could not be more important. By submitting a letter to the editor, you can show that your community is paying attention—and ensure that voters will remember this November that every single Republican attempted to obstruct life-changing measures. 

Letters to the editor are an extremely effective way to spread your message to an audience that may not be tuned in to social media. And elected officials use the letter-to-the-editor section as another way to gauge where their constituents are on pressing issues. If the newspaper chooses to publish your letter, thousands of people in your area (or possibly even millions across the country) will read your testimony. Even if your letter isn't published, your submission might help another, similar letter make it into the paper. 

MoveOn has developed a free tool to make the process of submitting a letter to the editor quick and easy. Give it a try here! We'll help you every step of the way to ensure that your letter has the best chance of getting published. 

Will you submit your letter to the editor and share why this legislation matters to you and your community now?  

Thanks for all you do.

–Jaira, Justin, Mia, Maralyn and the rest of the team


1. "The Inflation Reduction Act is the Biggest Climate Investment in History. The Fight Doesn't Stop Here," Earthjustice, August 19, 2022

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump's preparations for being able to steal the presidency in 2024 are well underway and include working to replace top election officials in battleground states with his own loyalists. Which is why MoveOn is doing something we've never done in our 23-year history: We're launching a powerful, multimillion-dollar effort to defeat Trump-backed secretaries of state across the country and elect individuals who will count every vote and ensure fair elections.

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on August 22, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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