Friday, July 23, 2021

SIGN: Impeach Brett Kavanaugh

Credible accusations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanagh were never thoroughly investigated before his confirmation to the Supreme Court. He never should have been confirmed. Impeach Kavanaugh now. Sign the petition.

Dear MoveOn member,

The FBI has admitted that it never conducted a thorough investigation of accusations against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings to the Supreme Court—referring tips about Kavanaugh directly to the Trump White House instead of pursuing them directly.1

It's one more reminder that Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Senate Republicans rushed through Kavanaugh's confirmation in a right-wing power grab—and that Kavanaugh never should have been confirmed.

Now, with the revelation that the FBI collected more than 4,500 tips about Kavanaugh, the allegations of sexual assault must be fully investigated. Congress can take action now to launch a full investigation and begin impeachment proceedings, which could potentially result in Kavanaugh's removal from the court.

Please sign this petition to the U.S. Congress to impeach Brett Kavanaugh, who never should have been confirmed in a rushed, partisan process that ignored credible claims of sexual assault.

Credible accusations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh were never thoroughly investigated before his confirmation to the Supreme Court. He never should have been confirmed. Impeach Kavanaugh now.

When Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, multiple women came forward bravely to share their experiences of Kavanaugh's sexual assault, aggression, and maliciousness. Now, we know for sure the FBI never fully investigated these credible accusations—because they were following the Trump administration's politicized direction on how to conduct the investigation.

Clearly, this investigation was incomplete, inexcusable, and designed to dismiss the multiple cases of sexual assault brought forward. 

Nobody should be in a lifetime seat on the nation's highest court under such circumstances. The Senate must impeach Kavanaugh immediately.

An impeachment process would give a chance to thoroughly investigate the claims against Kavanaugh, give survivors the hearing they deserve, and could lead to removal of a man unfit to serve on the nation's highest court.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


—Emma, Sky, Erica, Justin, and the rest of the team
1. "Details on F.B.I. Inquiry Into Kavanaugh Draw Fire from Democrats," The New York Times, July 22, 2021

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