Tuesday, July 27, 2021

69,000 years

Billionaires rocketing off to space isn't a sign of progress. It's a sign of grotesque inequality that allows a select few to leave Earth behind while the rest of humanity suffers.

Dear fellow MoveOn member, 
Billionaires rocketing off to space isn't a sign of progress. It's a sign of grotesque inequality that allows a select few to leave Earth behind while the rest of humanity suffers.
No one needs billionaires to colonize outer space. We need them to pay their fair share of taxes so people can thrive here on Earth.
That's exactly what progressives are fighting for. And Democrats are now finalizing a deal to pass the first-ever federal corporate tax increase in the 21st century. But Mitch McConnell and the GOP are fighting tooth and nail to stop us. 
That's why MoveOn is preparing to launch a television ad campaign in key Senate states calling out the Republicans who would rather protect billionaires over their own constituents.  

Can you pitch in $8 a month to power MoveOn's effort to push for fair taxation that would make the ultra-wealthy and corporations pay their fair share—and to invest that money in health care, climate, schools, and priorities that serve us all?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Andra, I want to tell you about a small building in the Cayman Islands. This modest five-story building houses more than 18,000 corporations. 
As my friend Senator Bernie Sanders said, "Either this is one very crowded building, or it is a phony address, used by 18,000-plus corporations for one purpose: to avoid paying taxes to the United States of America."1
Bernie's right. For decades, American multinational corporations have hired armies of lobbyists, lawyers, and accountants to abuse the tax code and get away with paying as little in taxes as possible. 

Will you join me in the fight for a fair tax system by pitching in $8 a month to MoveOn's work to tax the ultra-rich and corporations—and to really invest in America?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Just a few months ago, Jeff Bezos made $8 billion—that's $8,000,000,000—in a single day.2
To put that into perspective, it would take a worker making $7.25 an hour—the federal minimum wage—69,000 years to earn that much. 
And despite making all that money and hoarding all of that wealth, Bezos has for years paid nothing in income taxes.3
That means he's paying a smaller share of taxes than his employees and the nurses, garbage collectors, grocery clerks, and other frontline workers who risked life and limb to keep our society running during this pandemic.
That's not just despicable public policy. It's an offense against human decency. 

Join the fight for a fair tax system—and to invest in health care, climate, schools, and priorities that serve us all—by chipping in $8 a month to MoveOn. 

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks for all you do.

–Robert Reich


1. Tweet by Bernie Sanders, March 6, 2020

2. "Jeff Bezos Had A Good Friday—He's Nearly $8 Billion Richer In A Day," Forbes, January 31, 2020

3. "How billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk avoid paying federal income tax while increasing their net worth by billions," Insider, June 13, 2021

Want to support MoveOn's work? The GOP is launching an all-out campaign to take down the Democratic majority in Congress and reinstall Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader in 2022. To defeat the GOP, MoveOn is going all-in with TV ads, a nationwide grassroots organizing campaign, and more.

Will you chip in to power our effort to defeat McConnell and the GOP in 2022?

Yes, I'll chip in $8 a month.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on July 27, 2021. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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