Thursday, July 22, 2021

Call: It's time for Democrats to move on

Senate Republicans had a chance to come to the table, negotiate in good faith, and deliver for the American people. They failed to do so.

Dear MoveOn member,

It's not surprising when the GOP fails to deliver on a deal.

But yesterday's filibuster by Republicans to block the Senate from beginning debate on the very same bipartisan infrastructure proposal that they asked for is more than just the usual bad-faith dealings we've come to expect from the party of Donald Trump.1

It's a significant blow to Congress's timeline of moving forward with a bold recovery package that our communities desperately need.

Senate Republicans had a chance to come to the table, negotiate in good faith, and deliver for the American people. They failed to do so. Now, it's time for Senate Democrats to move on without them.

Call Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen and tell them: We can't afford to waste one more minute on political games from Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. We need a Bold Recovery Now: Pass President Biden's American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan through reconciliation.

Here's the number to dial: 877-959-8439 (You can call both of your Senators by calling once, hanging up, and calling the number again.)

President Biden spent months in negotiations with Republican lawmakers and made significant compromises to reach an agreement—going above and beyond to demonstrate that he wants to work across the aisle with willing partners. But yesterday's vote showed that not a single Republican was genuinely interested in making a deal.

There's too much on the line to continue waiting for yet another disappointment from the Republican Party.

Biden's proposals in the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan would work to combat climate change, invest in child and family care, provide a pathway to citizenship for essential workers, and much more—and would pay for it by calling on the ultra-wealthy and tax-dodging corporations to pay their fair share.2

Democrats in the Senate need to move immediately to pass the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan through reconciliation, which would require only the simple majority of votes that Democrats currently hold. We can't wait on Republicans any longer.

Call Sens. Cardin and Van Hollen at 877-959-8439 and urge them to move forward with the reconciliation process and pass a bill that meets the size and scope of the multiple crises this nation faces.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mohammad, Elsie, Ankur, Manny, and the rest of the team


1. "Infrastructure vote fails as senators try to salvage bipartisan deal," Politico, July 21, 2021

2. "Biden's American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan: What's in them and where the funding will come from," CBS News, May 1, 2021

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This email was sent to Andra Patterson on July 22, 2021. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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