Sunday, November 1, 2020

I am respectfully asking you to add your name to my petition today. Please commit to vote in Tuesday's election, and pledge to continue the important work of transforming this country. I cannot do it alone. - Bernie

This is an election that we cannot sit out.

Friends -

We have two days left until the most consequential election in the modern history of our country. This is an election that we cannot sit out. In fact, in the next two days, we must all do everything that we can to defeat an extraordinarily dangerous president. That means not only voting ourselves, but bringing all of our friends, family and co-workers to the polls as well.

Four more years of Trump will bring irreparable damage to our country.

A president who lies all of the time makes it impossible for us to have a serious debate about serious issues, and lays the groundwork for massive disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories.

A president who does not believe in science makes it impossible for us to deal effectively with the COVID-19 pandemic which has claimed over 230,000 American lives. His anti-science attitude also means that we will not be able to address the existential threat to our planet of climate change.

A president who does not believe in the Constitution, democracy or the rule of law means that tens of millions of Americans — working people, poor people, people of color, young people, women, the LGBTQ community — will not have their needs addressed in an increasingly corrupt political system.

So, in the next two days we have got to do everything we can to defeat Trump, and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This election is also an opportunity for us to elect the most progressive Congress in American history and expand progressive representation in state and local positions across the country.

But our work does not end there.

If we elect Joe Biden and hundreds of progressives nationwide we will not, must not, return to business as usual. The crises we face as a nation and a world are just too severe.

Together, we must fight to create a vibrant democracy of one person one vote, not a nation in which billionaires buy elections and political hacks work overtime trying to suppress the vote.

We must fight for an agenda that puts working people first, and a government that works for ALL of us, not just the one percent.

As we face a pandemic, an economic collapse, the threat of climate change, and the ongoing struggle for racial justice, now is not the time to think small. Now is the time for the bold progressive change that our country desperately needs and that the American people want.

But the only way we will win that change is if we all participate in this election. That is why I am asking you directly:

Please sign my petition. Pledge to vote in Tuesday's critical election, bring out friends to the polls and say you will continue our movement's work of transforming this country. The only way we make change is by standing together.

Please do your best to bring friends, family and co-workers out to vote. In state after state this is going to be a very close election. Every vote counts.

We have come a long way in the last five years. Let's continue going forward together. Let's elect Joe Biden and a record number of progressives across the country. Let's continue our struggle to transform this country and create a government based on the principles of justice.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

P.S. Tomorrow night, I will be hosting a virtual GOTV rally with more than 20 progressive candidates and leaders, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and many others. This will be a very special event, and I hope you will tune in on Monday at 9:15pm ET / 6:15pm PT on our social media channels.

We are quickly approaching the most consequential election of our lifetimes, and Bernie needs to know that you plan to vote.

Please add your name to pledge to participate in Tuesday's crucial election, bring friends to the polls and commit to continuing our work together to transform this country.


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