Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Turn your support into a monthly donation

Power our work in this critical election year 


What if we told you there's an easy way to help protect the freedom to vote without even thinking about it — something that you can start doing today?

Our dedicated team of monthly donors — Democracy Defenders — play a key role in how we're able to respond to voter suppression efforts whenever and wherever they emerge. 

Monthly donations make it easier to plan our budget, ensuring our team can build long-lasting programs, create comprehensive training and education plans, and invest consistently in increasing access to the ballot box for everyone. If you're able to start a monthly gift today, we'll send you a Democracy Defender sticker as a thank you for fueling access to the ballot box.

A picture of a democracy defender sticker

We're seeing a nationally coordinated scheme to keep ballot access as far out of reach as possible, especially for Black and brown, young, disabled, unhoused, and rural voters. Election denier extremists are paving the way here in Georgia, starting with mass voter purges, attempting to disrupt the election certification process, and upending election administration.

From training cohorts of Democracy Warriors to make their voices heard on voting access, to empowering people who have been historically shut out of the process with accurate and timely voting information, the Fair Fight team is committed to making sure all voters can access the ballot box, freely and fairly.

Recurring, sustained support will help ensure we can revamp up our efforts before, during, and after elections. It's the best way to support voting rights year round.

Will you take your commitment to protecting the freedom to vote a step further by becoming a monthly supporter? Start your monthly gift today and your Democracy Defender sticker will be in the mail!

Your support moves us forward — thank you. 

The Fair Fight Team


P.S. We understand not everyone is able to chip in monthly. If you're able to make a one-time contribution, you can do so here.

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