Thursday, May 23, 2019

I am writing to ask you to make a $3 contribution to our campaign today. We fund our campaign different than anyone, because you cannot change a corrupt system by begging those who profit from it for their money. But that means I need your help.

Here is the truth:

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Friends -

Here is the truth: Big money dominates absolutely everything that goes on in government. In Washington, D.C., you get what you pay for:

The military-industrial complex gets their weapons systems and our children get shipped off to endless wars.

The fossil fuel industry gets to keep pumping and burning oil and the rest of us deal with the consequences of climate change.

The pharmaceutical industry gets to charge whatever they want for life-saving drugs and people are forced to sit at their kitchen tables cutting pills just to survive.

Health care CEOs profit tremendously from a dysfunctional system of care that prioritizes profits over patients while 30 million people lack any health care at all and even more are under-insured.

The gun manufacturers get laws that allow almost anyone to easily buy a firearm without a background check while almost 40,000 people each year are killed with a gun and parents are sending their kids to school with bulletproof backpacks.

Big banks get to make obscene levels of profit with little to no oversight, and millions of Americans lose their homes and life savings because of the greed and recklessness of Wall Street.

The needs and desires of the rich and powerful are almost always well-attended to, and the pain of working families is ignored.

And on and on and on and on it goes.

The truth is, you cannot change a corrupt system that is stacked against the American people if you are begging the people who profit from that system for their money.

Our campaign does things differently than anyone in the history of American politics. This is a campaign funded almost exclusively by the people, young people and working people, giving small amounts of money, mostly responding to emails like this.

But that also means from time to time we have to ask. And today, with our opponents raising huge sums of money at high-dollar fundraising events in people's homes, I have to ask:

Can you make a $3 contribution before our end of month fundraising deadline as a way of saying you have had ENOUGH of the billionaire class buying elections in this country?

Today, virtually no piece of legislation can get passed unless it has the okay from corporate America. That is going to change when we are in the White House.

In 2016, we proved that one could run for president without hustling rich people for money. In 2020, we're going to prove that we can win.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


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