Thursday, October 17, 2024

My first term in Congress has been anything but normal.

A message from Rep. Maxwell Alejandro Frost

It’s Congressman Maxwell Frost.

As a freshman member of Congress, I wasn't sure what to expect when I got to Washington. But I can tell you that I never could've anticipated how bad this MAGA Majority would be.

I never expected House Republicans to bring our nation to the brink of a total government shutdown to score political points at the expense of working people and families.

I never expected the right wing to launch a complete SHAM impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

And I certainly never expected to cast 17 Speaker votes in a single year thanks to Republican chaos and confusion.

House Republicans have made it clear they would rather hold meaningless investigations, put on pointless spectacles, and wage dangerous culture wars than work with Democrats to pass beneficial, common-sense legislation. 

That's why we -- you and me -- must do everything we can to defeat MAGA Republicans and put the people’s gavel back in the hands of dedicated public servants.

That’s why I’m reaching out and asking you to chip in $4 -- or anything you can spare -- to the DCCC before midnight. If we all work, we can elect Democrats, reclaim control of the House Majority, and start working on the Harris-Walz agenda. Election Day is only 19 days away, so we need your help ASAP. Can I count on your $4 before it's too late? >>

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Thank you, 

Maxwell Frost

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